Those Who Stare In The Black: Traveler's Guide to the 'Verse

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Please excuse the mess. Site is still under construction. Thank you!—Campaign Archivist.

A highly informal record of places we've been, people we've seen, and other subjective points of interest.



Game 02: Kaleidoscope Scuffle
Native Gunner

Game 03 Breadcrumb Trails
Jonathan Masters: Headman, Independent Settlement; Kaleidoscope

Game 04: Gathering Elements
Alliance Customs Inspector Radcliff: Greenleaf
Alliance Customs Inspector (No-Name Mackin'): Greenleaf
"Patches": Captain, Redemption; (Appearance by mention only)
Malcolm Reynolds: Captain, Serenity; Greenleaf
Zoe Washburn: XO, Serenity; Greenleaf
Kay Leewinnet Frye: Engineer, Serenity; Greenleaf
Jayne Cobb: Gunhand, Serenity; Greenleaf
Simon Tam: Doctor, Serenity; Greenleaf
River Tam: Copilot, Serenity; Greenleaf

Game 05: Diversions
Niska: Russian Mob Boss; (Appearance by mention only) Game 05
Dead Eye Jack: Captain, El Dorado; (Appearance by mention only) Game 05

Game 08: New Melbourne Interlude
Guild Sergeant John Sheppard: Head of the Merchant's Guild; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne

Game 09: Tea and Ninjas
Robert Gates: Business Magnate; Old Money trading family from New Melbourne's founding; significant ties to Sihnon; sower of wild oats; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Lissa Gates-Mann: Robert Gates' socialite wife, enforcer, and habitual runaway; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Dame Trudy Tudor: Celebrity, Title holder; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Guild Master Ryan Harthell: Rotund and jovial Merchant's Guild Master; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Violet Heath: Administrative Assistant to Guild Master Harthell; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Bill Ramsay: Security Officer/SPO to Guild Master Harthell; Allyne Stone's contact inside the Guild; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Cmdr. George Smith: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne; known acquaintance of Guild Master Harthell
Lt. Captain Vance: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Sgt. Thurman: Alliance Military, stationed at Alliance Garrison, New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne

Game 11: New Waters
Past Acquaintance of Oksana's: New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne (Wave appearance only)

Game 12: Under Observation
Jacob Marley: Alliance Observation Officer; New Sydney Spaceport, New Melbourne
Jedidiah: Capt., Osprey Class ship; en route to Silverhold

Game 14: Covert Offers
Ebenezer Scrooge: Shadowy figure of some wealth and means; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 17: Méfiez-vous du Chien
Operative of the Parliament: Name unknown. A mild-mannered yet steely agent of the government who has taken us prisoner; Ghost, Kalidasa

Game 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Captain Roberts: Another ship captain we contact at New Edinburgh Spaceport, Aberdeen


Game 02: Kaleidoscope Scuffle

  • Supplies distribution point, back of beyond

Game 03 Breadcrumb Trails

  • Independent Settlement, back of beyond

Game 04: Gathering Elements

  • Unnamed Spaceport, Greenleaf

Game 06: Interrogations and Discoveries

  • Unnamed Spaceport, Harvest

Game 08: New Melbourne Interlude

  • New Sydney Spaceport 23, New Melbourne

Game 13: Swallow

  • Silverhold Port, Silverhold
  • New Edinburgh Spaceport; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 14: Covert Offers

  • Ebenezer Scrooge residence, outside New Edinburgh, Aberdeen

Game 18: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

  • Merchant Guild HQ; New Edinburgh, Aberdeen
  • Coffee Shop; across from Merchant Guild HQ


Game 04: Gathering Elements

  • Serenity; Capt. Malcolm Reynolds

Game 05: Diversions

  • Redemption; Capt. "Patches"(Surname: Unknown)
  • El Dorado; Capt. Dead Eye Jack(Surname: Unknown)

Game 12: Under Observation

  • (No name given) Osprey Class; Capt. Jedidiah (Surname: Unknown)
  • (Unknown ship), inbound Silverhold, Silverhold

Game 17: Méfiez-vous du Chien

Alliance Patrol Boat, Longbow Class

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