Werewolf Paris

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Revision as of 14:25, 24 January 2015 by Kiero (talk | contribs)
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A Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd edition Chronicle set in contemporary Paris.

This wiki supports [untitled], set in modern-day Paris, featuring the exploits of [pack name]. Their Hunting Grounds are defined by [geographical features].

Main Sections

Player Characters - [pack name]



Henri Cissé - A former Hunter and childhood friend of [].

Other Characters

Notable NPCs - People of note the player characters have met.

Campaign Notes




The podcasts. Here you can listen to the sessions, mostly as they happened (we've only edited out dead air, not the general blather, noise of clattering dice and so on) for yourself. All are broken into two parts for ease of digestion.
Podcast listing If you'd rather get them from here instead.
Blank character sheet for use on the wiki

Other works from us
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