Angelo Domici
Angelo Domici
UPP: 495BA8 Age 39, Retired Rank 5 Free Trader, 5 Terms
Retirement pay: 10,000/PA
MCr 14
Grew up on a watery world, hit the stars at an early age, and never looked back.
Admin 1
Advocate 1
Astrogation 2
Broker 4
Carouse 0
Comms 0
Computer 0
Drive (Wheeled) 0
Engineer (Jump) 1
Engineer (Power) 1
Explosives 1
Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 1
Persuade 3
Pilot (Spacecraft) 2
Seafarer (Sail) 0
Sensors 1
Streetwise 1
Steward 0
Trade 0
Vacc Suit 0
Cloth Armor + Smart Cloth + Reflec + Eye protection + Computer Weave + + Translator Software
Personal Comm
400 DTon armed pirate ship with M4/P4/J1. Mildly shot up.
Sordid Past:
Angelo has often played the odds. Sometimes they rolled for him, sometimes not. Several of his skills come from Legal troubles (terms 1 and 4) and business gambles (terms 2 and 5). In term 3 he failed an Advanced Education roll.
Siubh and Angelo: A dark night
Safid and Angelo: One good turn
Glavin and Angelo: What is this thing
Jackson and Angelo: Where are we, again?
R'lyeh and Angelo: Wine and chips
Sophia and Angelo: One last dance