The Wilderlands of Absalom
Player Characters
WoA_Qutai, Horse Shaman
Encumbrance Ape
- Character A:
- Equipment:
- Treasure:
- Total:
- Movement:
Player's Map Note that we will create subpages for each hex.
- Faery (elves, pixies, dryads, etc.)
- Undertongue (dwarves, gnomes, kobolds)
- Bestial (ogre, orc, gnoll)
- Goblin (goblin, hobgoblin, bugbear0
- Grog (common language of most primitive races)
- Swampspeak (frogling, lizardman, troglodyte, etc.)
- Giant
- Draconic
- Law (must be selected through Proficiency)
- Chaos (must be selected through Proficiency)