Tellorian Frange

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Tellorian "Telly" Frange

-Main Page The Lost City


Class: Wizard
Level: 1
Experience Points: 0/ 2500 (+10%)
Total Hit Points: 7 (Heal 1hp/hour)
Armor Class: 8
Movement: 12"
Fray Die: d6


Strength 8 -1 melee, open doors, damage with thrown wpn
Intelligence 16 +2 Languages: Common, Fae, High Tongue
Wisdom 12
Dexterity 14 +1 missiles and armor class, +1 individual initiative
Constitution 13 +1 hp per HD
Charisma 8 -1 reaction rolls, maximum 3 retainers with base 6 morale


Cantrips Charming, Sense Magic, Ward, Sooze
Level 1: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Protection from Evil, Sleep (Memorized)


Effort: 1

  • Unquenchable Vitality: Your maximum hit points increase by 2 for each level you have. You regain 1 lost hit point every hour.
  • Conjured Ephemera: Commit Effort; you may conjure forth objects up to 500 lbs in weight, albeit not those of special value or precious matter. If the Effort remains committed for 24 hours, the objects are permanent; otherwise they vanish when the Effort is reclaimed. Commit Effort to gain 1 Influence when material goods help.


  • CP:
  • SP:
  • EP:
  • GP:
  • PP:
Belt Pouch
  • Weapon: Dagger


Spell Book
5 oil flasks
6 torches
1 week standard rations
1 week iron rations
2 wineskins
  • Encumbrance:


Magic Users: This shows up in a couple of OSR games and is one (or many) interpretation of the OD&D rules on magic. The magic user memorizes the number of spells listed and never forgets those. However, they also happen a number of castings equal to what their level shows, but they can pick an choose which memorized spell to cast every time. The advantage here is that there's no reason to memorize multiple castings of the same spell. There's also no reason to carry a spell book out into the wilderness. Example: 3rd level MU gets 2 first level and 1 second level spell per day. The character has Sleep (1st), Floating Disc (2nd), and Web (2nd) memorized. The character can cast 2 first level spells every day, so it could be Sleep twice, Floating Disc twice, or even each one once. The character can cast 1 second level spell every day, which can by Web. They can choose to cast a first level spell with that slot, so could potentially cast Sleep or Floating Disc again using the 2nd level slot. The advantage of this is allowing you to keep some of those utility spells around without giving up access to combat magic. Thoughts? Note: the balancing mechanism here will be that it takes days to exchange spells in memory so you won't swap them out as easily as now.