Masks: The New Disasters
A game of mythic demigods using Sine Nomine's Godbound, GM'd by MrPrim
The New Disasters
- The Bull played by Gorgoo
- The Delinquent played by FactolPentar
- The Doomed played by Stacie.Winters1
- The Outsider played by Apocynum
- The Protege played by RdMarquis
- The Transformed played by The Tim
- The Iron Tsar. Automaton ruler of Nezdohva and would-be Conqueror King.
- The Iron Court. The fractious and volatile ruling government of Nezdohva headed by the Iron Tsar and his most trusted advisors.
- Nezdohva. A once proud land under the unhappy and steel-fisted rulership of an automaton tsar and his boyar court.
- Sivtsovo. A city-state bordering Nezdovah whose wealth primarily comes from trade and the taxation of caravans and barges crossing their borders into and from Nezdohva.
Other Realms
- Ancalia. A fallen nation riven by Night Roads. Birthplace of Stevyn.
- The Bright Republic. Technologically-advanced society currently building some sorts of ties with the Iron Court.
- The Raktine Confederacy. A land of inter-city intrigue and roving monsters. Birthplace of the Lily-Pale Knyazhna.
- Vissio. A land of bankers, artisans, and artificers that hides a dark underbelly. Birthplace of Lazarro.