Bruna the Potter
- Human Thief 4 (Burglar)
- XP: 7,200/10,000 (+5% bonus)
- Neutral
- Henchman of P'zev the Hairless, who is a henchman of Karag Two-Blades
Sub-Boss of the Kuutamo (Moonlight), the Shadow Wolves hideout in Junction
- STR 9
- INT 15 (+1)
- WIS 11
- DEX 09
- CON 08 (-1)
- CHA 11
- Languages
- Common
- General Proficiencies
- Class Proficiencies
- Thief skills (includes proficiency bonuses)
- Open Locks 15+
- Find and Remove Traps 15+
- Pick Pockets 14+
- Move Silently 14+
- Climb Walls 4+
- Hide in Shadows 16+
- Hear Noise 11+
- Backstab x2
- Thief skills (includes proficiency bonuses)
- AC 4 masterwork leather + shield - dex
- HP 5
- Movement Rate 120/40/120
- Initiative Modifier +0
- Attacks
- Primary Melee Attack: +1 sword 8+, 1d6+1
- Secondary Melee Attack:
- Primary Ranged Attack:
- Saves:
- Petrification & Paralysis 12+
- Poison & Death 12+
- Blast & Breath 15+
- Staves & Wands 13+
- Spells 14+
- Gear, Armor, Weapons:
- armor
- Sword +1
- crossbow and 20 bolts (special-sized, need to be commissioned)
- Y gp kept with Mr. Hand, X gp kept on person