Ironclaw Fur and Fury/Odion

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Odion Robair

Otter Elementalist


If not for his clothing the first thought people would have about Odion is Savage Warrior (well as much as an otter can be), and if his father had his way that is what he would have been, but the clothes on his body and his friendly speech put end to that. From the family of a Pirate that gained a noble title in exchange for turning in his rivals, The Robair's family motto is "seize by strength and from the sea". Odion's childhood was a focus training in the skills of a seagoing warrior but as the third born son he was not a closely watched as his older brothers and was able to learn more noble skills from the keep's scribe. The other stroke of luck for him was the library, a left over from the displaced family that owned this land before the robaire's. It was in this library that Odion learnt of magic and it's secrets and once his father learnt of this study, indulged his son dreaming of how arcane might would bring more strength to their paltry forces. It was during this study in the library and scribe that he learnt of the philosophy of Noblesse Oblige and in his late teens put it in to practise using his elemental magic to help make drainage ditches for the workers of the land. It was this fundamental difference in philosophy that drove a wedge between him and his father, after a violent fight with his father he was removed from the family home to prove that the real world was a place where such dreaming thought holds no real strength.

family's Land: Odion's Family land is almost just a small dock, keep and a few miles of near useless swamp. If not for the fact they were located on the border and a sly capture of a town or 2 from the neighboring country, They would have had no income and lost their tile and lands before they had began. The Robair's run this land as close to petty tyrants as allowed by law and their disregard for the common man.



Habitat: Shore

Senses: Listen, Smell

Diet: Carnivore

Weapons: Claws, Teeth

Cycle: Twilight

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: Tall

Weight: Bulky

Eyes: Green

Pelt: Dark Brown

Distinguishing Characteristics:

  1. Friendly speech
  2. Warrior's body

Personal Motto

My family is wrong Noblesse oblige is a strength



Species: Otter D8

Career: Career D6

Body D8

Speed D6

Mind D6

Will D4


Name---favorite Use---Marks---Species---career

Academics---Geography---// D6--- --- D6

Climbing---Rigging---/ D4--- ---

Digging---Swamp---// D6--- ---

Dodge--- Vs. Melle---/D4---D8---

Gossip---With Busy People---// D6--- ---

Inquire---Vs. Those below your station---/ D4--- ---

Observation--- --- --- ---D6

Stealth--- --- ---D8---

Supernatural---With elemental Magic---/ D4--- ---D6

Swimming---Fighting in Water---/ D4---D8---

Vehicles---Boats---/ D4--- ---

Weather sense--- Sailing---/ D4--- ---


Personality: Kind []Respite

Language: Calabrese

Local Knowledge:

Combat Save []Respite

Species: Contorionist

Species: Deep Diving

Species: Fast Swimming

Career: Elementalist Tappings

Career: Elementalist Apprentice

Career: Literacy

General: Nobility

General: Sailing

General: First Aid

Gear and cash

Cash: 6 Denarii


Rod (dioptre, 2 hand, Close, 1d8 vs defence, Damage +2, Parry d12, Extravagant (3000D), Rare, 1/2 Stone, Truncheon, Trappings, on body

Wand (myrtle) , Good hand, Close, 1d8 vs. defense, Damage +0 Weak, Can't Parry, Extravagant (75D), Rare, 1/8 Stone, Truncheon Trappings, on body

Knife, Good hand, Close, 1d8 vs. defense, Damage+1, Cheap (1/2D), 1/8 Stone, Blade, Concealable, on body


Robe (starred) 1/2 stone Trappings, on body

Leather armour 1/2 stone, on body


BOOK Extravagant (On Elementalism) 1/4 stone, Trappings, In bag

Astrolabe 1/4 stone, Trappings On Body

Backpack 1/4 stone, In bag

Commoner’s clothes 1/4 Stone, on body

Lantern, hooded 1/8 stone, In bag

Oil, Lantern (24 hours) 1/8 stone, In bag

Blanket travel 1/8 stone, In bag

Tent (2 man) 1 stone, In bag

First aid kit 1/4 stone, In bag

Book, chap (Bisclavret, an quick guide) 1/16 stone, In bag

Book, chap (travelling without coin a Noble's guide) 1/16 stone, In bag

Book, chap (Noble trend’s, last years edition) 1/16 stone, In bag

Cutlery (wooden) 0.125 stone, In bag

total 4 9/16 Stone

On body 2 1/4 Stone

Note: Burdened (two sets of armor)


Initiative: 2d6


Stride: 1 Dash: 4 (1/2 Max Speed +1 if Body>speed) Sprint: d6 (Speed die) Run: 18 (Max body + Max speed + Dash)


Attack---Attack Dice---Effect


Teeth, head, close---2D8 vs Defense--- Damage +1, Grapple,

Claw, Off-hand, Close--- 1D8 Vs Defense--- Damage +1, Critical,


Rod, 2 hand, Close--- 1d8 vs defence --- Damage +2,

Wand, Good hand, Close --- 1d8 vs. defense--- Damage +0 Weak, Can't Parry,

Knife, Good hand, Close --- 1d8 vs. defense --- Damage+1,


Create Air, Off hand, Medium--- 1d4 1d6 vs defense --- Damage + 2 Critical Counters Earth, Magic Air Apprentice

Create Earth, Off hand, Medium --- 1d6 1d8 vs. defense --- Damage + 2 Critical Counters Air, Magic, Earth, Apprentice

Create Water, Off hand, Medium--- 1d4 1d6 1d8 vs. defense--- Damage +2 Critical Counters Fire, Magic, Water, Apprentice

Ignite Fire, Off hand, Medium--- 1d4 vs. defense--- Damage + 1 Critical On Fire Counters Water, Magic, Fire, Apprentice

Move Air, Offhand, Medium --- 1d4 1d6 vs. 3, Resist with Speed Dodge vs. 3 --- Damage +0 Push 1 Counters Air, Magic, Air, Apprentice, Environmental

Move Earth, Offhand, Medium --- 1d6 1d8 vs. 3, Resist with Speed Dodge vs. 3 --- Damage+ 1 Counters Earth, Magic, earth, Apprentice, Environmental

Move fire, Offhand, Medium --- 1d4 vs. 3, Resist with Speed Dodge vs. 3 --- Damage +0 On Fire Counters Fire, Magic, fire, Apprentice, Environmental

Move Water, Offhand, Medium --- 1d4 1d6 1d8 vs. 3, Resist with Speed Dodge vs. 3 --- Damage +2 Weak Counters Water, Magic, water, Apprentice, Environmental


Defense---Defense Dice---Effect

Speed & dodge dice--- d4 d6,d8---dodge Parry rod --- d8 d12

Soak and armor

Soak d18 and Armor Leather d6
