Masks: Capers! Everybody Wants 2 Rule The World

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A game of teenage superheroes using Magpie Games' Masks: a New Generation, and the Capers! hack for teenage super villains originally shared by Something Awful poster Tricky Dick Nixon. Thank you, Mr. President, for your services to the RPG industry.

MC is DannyK

Get into the car

We'll be the passenger

We'll ride through the city tonight

We'll see the city's ripped backsides

We'll see the bright and hollow sky

We'll see the stars that shine so bright

The sky was made for us tonight

—Iggy Pop, The Passenger


Issue 1 "Welcome To Your Life" -- Posts 1-??

The Team

Team Backstory

  • From Mirrormask
  • From Basher
  • From Gloom
  • From Mockingbird
  • From Spark
  • From Want-Star


Mrs. Sampson Basher's mom. Scared of what he has become.

Mr. Lentil Spark's dad, has been in prison for a while now. No powers.

Lucas Hartwell Arcadia Pharmaceuticals CEO, billionaire, very angry at the PCs.

The Strong Arm of the Law

AEGIS The mostly-human agency that deals with alien warlords, immortal crime lords, etc. Try to stay off their radar.

The Paragons Halcyon City's foremost heroes, these guys didn't become household names by helping old ladies across the street, they're all tough as hell even if they seem nice on TV.

  • Mr. Meta (deceased) Mighty Silver Age hero, taken out by the TACOS in ambush. There have been unconfirmed Meta sightings ever since.
  • Mid-Knight Brutal protector of the little people of Oak Heights, has a lot of neat toys. Controversial Bronze Age hero.

The Akashic Army A lineage of super-powered world protectors, connected and supported by the Akashic Network, and led by Gloom's dad.

  • Alex (hero name unknown) Gloom's younger brother, inheritor of the Akashic lineage. Modern hero.
  • Sunbright Gloom's heroic alter ego. He thinks Gloom is the alter ego.

Golden Karos A space godling of some sort, maybe Mournlight's sibling? Really doesn't like Want-Star. Silver Age sort-of-hero.

Sidekicks and Minor Threats

Junior Paragons Halcyon Cities' leading young heroes. Some get promoted to the regular Paragons, a few make a heel turn and become villains, and there's a respectable mortality rate.

  • Golden Gideon Mirrormask's big brother, a probationary member of the Junior Paragons. Modern hero.
  • Spellmere a witchy girl who was linked with Gideon for a while, another Junior Paragon. Modern hero.

Son_Of_Colt Gun nut vigilante and sworn enemies of the PCs... former mall cop. Real name is Dwight. Makes a lot of YouTube videos, notable conspiracy theorist.

Glockmaester Gun nut vigilante and YouTube personality, hates Son_of_Colt with a passion.


Teegan Queen The crime lord that runs most of neighborhoods down around the docks and warehouses. Mockingbird crashes at her lair. Silver Age villain.

Mad Magpie Avian alien resident in Halcyon City, runs a grey market shop for alien knickknacks and contraband. Friends with Mirrormask.

Other Villains

Crackerjack A cocky mercenary type with a sweet ride that Mirrormask is intimately familiar with from her day job as a valet. Bronze Age villain.

The Data Dancer has been cyber-stalking Mockingbird. Nothing is known about them.

TACOS (Deceased) Retired heroes turned vigilantes -- they didn't achieve much, but there have jokes and rumors about a "TACOS Nuevos" lately.

Criminal Organizations

The Cult of Mournlight The damaged and broken people who serve the Darkest Star, the Emperor of Emptiness, the Ruinous Giant of Shadereach on Earth.

La telaraña, AKA The Spiderweb, AKA La Tela, AKA the Spiders, AKA Los Bichos They rule Halcyon with a combination of bribes, superb intelligence, and extreme violence

  • Sebastian Ibanez, AKA the Spider Leader of the Spiderweb. No obvious powers, but...?


Lucky Roll Casino Where Sofia/Mirrormask works in her downtime

Oaktree Heights Where Spark grew up, area with high unemployment and crime.

Stats Reference

Mirrormask the Hood

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: Freak: Trouble: Superior: Menace:


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

Basher the Monster

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: Freak: Trouble: Superior: Menace:


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

Gloom the Scion

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: Freak: Trouble: Superior: Menace:


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

Mockingbird the Rogue

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: -1 Freak: 1 Trouble: 1 Superior: 0 Menace: 2


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

Spark the Radical

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: Freak: Trouble: Superior: Menace:


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

Want-Star the Hellion

Influenced By:

Curses: ooo

Labels: Danger: Freak: Trouble: Superior: Menace:


O Afraid; (-2 to Directly Engage or to Cow or Rebuke)

O Angry; (-2 to Abscond or Pierce the Mask)

O Doubting; (-2 to Unleash Your Powers or Exploit Weakness)

O Insecure; (-2 to Provoke Someone or Reject Other's Influence)

O Paranoid; (-2 to Distract Someone or Assess the Situation)

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