Villain Teams and Organzations

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Formed out of a mutual hatred of the Crusaders. Present leaders include Mocker and F.I.S.T.
Operating in and around the LA basin.

  • Mocker: believed to be overall leader of this band. Android that was created for entertainment but somehow turned on its maker and killed him. High levels of self repair and electrical attack system.
  • F.I.S.T. (Flying Infantry Shock Trooper): Power armored suit, with levels of super-strength, offensive blasters, flight and life support. Stolen armor from the US Military, terrorist who wishes to bring about the destruction of the government.
  • Temper: appears to be able to control the rage in others around himself
  • Mercury Mercenary: speedster runner with a assortment of military weapons and training
  • Vulture: avian like wings and claws grafted onto this man’s body.
  • Bull: super-strong and semi-invulnerable brute, who often goes berserk when engaged in any kind of fight or when his intelligence is questioned.
  • the Shrew: female boxer, who through the use of illegal drugs has gained some levels of super-human speed, strength, resistance to damage and abilities with hand-to-hand combat.
  • Hornet: powered armored suit that appears to have a hornet or bee like theme. Flight and vibration powers and some super-sense like abilities have been documented.
  • Shocker: appears to have acid for blood and lightning control powers.
  • Mace: ex-convict Theodore McIntyre, low-level mutant with heightened senses. Carries a high-tech mace of his own creation.
  • Stormlord: believed to be an English ex-patriot of the Lairds family. Powerful weather controller with flight and the ability to turn invisible.
  • Marionette: at only 8” tall, she is exceptionally strong and fast, with mental control and psychic backlash like abilities.
  • Hauntress:
  • Manstar:


Previously unknown terrorist organization. Only the leader, FORCE is known, but other metahumans are suspected of affiliation.



  • ???: ???


(Villains In Larcenous Enterprises) - Formed with the expressed purpose of providing metahuman muscle for criminal enterprises that lack them. They generally hire themselves out to other criminal enterprises that need metahuman muscle or enforcers. Their prices are high, but they deliver the goods as it were.

  • Proditor Cappela: One of the strongest know metahumans on Earth, also can fly at over a thousand miles per hour, has high levels of life support and some limited form of danger sense
  • Doctor Wraithman: apparently blends magic and technology and has created a staff that can control person’s fear emotion and can “summon” some form of very deadly shadow wraiths
  • R.A.M. (Robot, Arachnoid Marauder) 101: unknown inventor, super android that is very dangerous but rarely seen these days. May have been destroyed.
  • Boosterman: ex-stuntman, Blake Sagle, who was apparently also something of a chemist and genius. Unknown chemical process allows him to ‘boost’ all of his physical characteristics to super-human levels.
  • Jovia: short (just under 5’ tall) and yet super dense (over 360 lbs), she has super-human strength and limited invulnerability.
  • Sir Lemur: apparent sentient animal, with mental powers. Little else is known.


A mostly European group of super criminals, they have recently appeared operating in the US. Present know members are…

  • Adonis: Team Leader. Unearthly beauty and charisma, low-level superhuman strength and resistant to damage. Hey also carries an advanced power mace.
  • Cockroach: ex-folk singer, turned roach Messiah, Grant Hubert Gaffney is 100% crazy and dangerous. Somehow controlling millions of cockroaches and using them for everything from breaking and entering and murder.
  • Magnetron: flying power-suit that allows him to control magnetic forces.
  • Miragi: French woman who can create ‘solid’ illusion that are strong enough to break through wall and deal a great deal of hurt to innocents around her.
  • Mongo: giant (15ft tall) simpleton who has taken armor-piercing missiles without apparent harm. Easily angered also
  • She-Magi: powerful, yet completely unstable female with magical and fire-control powers.
  • Skuz: Appears his entire body has been turned into toxic waste and even standing next to him can cause sever nausea and sickness.
  • Valeri: unknown martial artist, appears to be of eastern Eurasian dissent.


A criminal family of metahumans.

  • Captain Floop: avowed leader of group, no powers but stolen super-tech
  • Blastin’ Butch: super-human levels of strength and invulnerability with energy projecting abilities and some form of limited life-support.
  • Whippet: has dog like legs that allows him to run just over 20MPH without problems. Stolen ice-projector gauntlets also.
  • Psi-Daemon: psychic powers including telekinesis and telepathy. Also deadly hand-to-hand combatant.
  • LodeStone: Appears to be able to suppress magical affects and powers.
  • Rocket Ma’am: Powered flight suit, she has a readily available assortment of mini-rockets.


Under the leadership of Sypder, they mostly are a roving band of mercenaries and criminals who operate on and around the west coast of America.

  • Syder: brutal thug with apparent spider like qualities, including a high strength and agility levels, speed, wall-crawling abilities and a neurotoxin venom
  • Stigmata: transplanted brain of a dying soldier (identity unknown) into gargoyle like military robot, driven insane by the experience. Believes he is a vampire and appears to have the common weaknesses associated with them.
  • Boogey Man: Flame and light control powers, with the ability to fly and generate high tempter beams of light and flame jets
  • Jaws: psychotic cannibal amphibious humanoid, with a powerful locking jaw that can bite through steel.
  • Samhain: unknown origin, appears to be classic zombie of some kind.


(Communist Headquarters of Intelligence Militant Primates) – terrorist organization made up of intelligent and upright gorilla and chimpanzees, who believe that the Communist utopia can only come about with the destruction of the U.S. government.



  • Furor
  • Kismet


  • Aeroflat
  • 'Borg
  • Chem
  • Crime Teacher
  • Diamondstar
  • Infra-Red
  • Penumbra
  • Sable
  • Triceratops

CRIMETECH - Mentioned in Intercrime: Hostile Takeover


  • The Wraith
  • Hyperman
  • The Hyena
  • Cybernaut

INTERCRIME - Intercrime: Hostile Takeover




  • Crystal
  • Geode
  • Quake




  • The Disco Kid
  • Polecat
  • Bronco
  • Windwalker


  • Aquarius (Water Boy)
  • Cancer (King Crab)
  • Capricorn
  • Gemini (Fission)
  • Leo
  • Libra
  • Pisces (Barracuda)
  • Ram (Battleman)
  • Saggitarius (Crossfire)
  • Scorpio (unknown)
  • Taurus (Bull)
  • Virgo (unknown)

V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"