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Age (Gender): 25 (Male)
Homeland: The Baracha Isles
Caste (Trait): Corsair (Calculating)
Corsair Story: Left to Vengeance
Archetype: Pirate
Nature/Education: Scheming/Outlawed on the Shore
Pirate Story: Marooned
Social Standing: 1
Renown: 0
Appearance: A bit taller than most, with dark skin, dark hair, sharp features and oddly-light blue eyes. Habitually wears a battered, sun-bleached slouch-brimmed hat. A man who's sailed with the corsairs, to those that know the look.
Personality: Always on the lookout for the next meal, the next bit of gold, the next rung on the ladder, the next step on his path to vengeance. The times he's let emotions get the better of him, he's regretted it. His laughter and his rage are equally cold.
Languages: Kushite, Pirate Code, Argossean
Fortune Points: 3
- There's an advantage to be grabbed anywhere, if you look hard enough. And if you don't grab it, more fool you.
Bonus Damage: Ranged +1 | Melee +2 | Presence +0
- Cutlass: Reach 2, Grip U, Damage 4 CD, Qualities (Vicious 1: inflicts +1 damage for every Effect rolled)
- Knife: Reach 1, Grip 1H, Damage 3 CD, Qualities (Hidden 1, Improvised: Effects don't add damage points, Unforgiving 1: gains Intense (+1 Harm if Harmed) and Vicious 1 if the targeted was Exploited just before this attack)
Stress & Harm
Vigor: 13/13 | Wounds:
Resolve: 9/9 | Trauma:
Courage Soak: 0
Armor Soak (padded jerkin): Head 0, Right Arm 1, Left Arm 1, Torso 1, Right Leg 0, Left Leg 0
Armor Qualities: none
Agility: X
- Acrobatics: E/F if possessed, or leave blank
- Melee:
- Stealth:
Awareness: X
- Insight:
- Observation:
- Survival:
- Thievery:
Brawn: X
- Athletics:
- Resistance:
Coordination: X
- Parry:
- Ranged Weapons:
- Sailing:
Intelligence: X
- Alchemy:
- Craft:
- Healing:
- Linguistics:
- Lore:
- Warfare:
Personality: X
- Animal Handling:
- Command
- Counsel:
- Persuade:
- Society:
Willpower: X
- Discipline:
- Sorcery:
- Sea Raider (Baracha Isles): The Difficulty of all Sailing tests made in your homeland’s waters and of Athletics tests related to swimming are reduced by 1.
- Naval Discipline (Corsair): Your people have traditionally served at sea, and view the sea as a battlefield. When at sea, gain 2 Combat Dice non-stackable Morale and Cover Soak when fighting alongside at least one other character with this talent that has not suffered any Wounds.
- Reaver (Corsair): Your people are known for piracy or raiding activities up and down the coast, against your own people, against neighboring countries, or everyone else. +1 Reputation when dealing with anyone with a nautical or pirate background, and you inflict +1 Combat Die damage on Threaten attacks against anyone that has heard of you.
- Sharp Senses (Observation Rank 1): Can re-roll one die when making an Observation test.
- Sailor (Sailing Rank 1): Can re-roll one die when making a Sailing test.
- Deflection (Parry Rank 1): When making a Defend reaction, can reduce the amount of Doom added by 1.
- No Mercy (Melee Rank 1): Reroll # of damage dice equal to total Melee Tree ranks
Gold: 8 | Upkeep: 4
Encumbrance: 3
- Padded jerkin
- cutlass
- knife, taken from a fallen foe
- two shark-tooth pendants, carved with incomprehensible symbols
- a share in a small watercraft, or the proceeds that may come from it
Character Story
He knows the shark-tooth necklace is how the Shark God knows his own. He doesn't know what the symbols carved in it mean, because the village elder was the only one who knew, and he was carved up by pirate swords while Maro lay hidden under the floor of his family's hut. He was the only one left alive in the village when his aunt and uncle returned from trading in Tortage, so the returned with him to the pirate port, where you schemed for every mouthful of food while watching for knives in the back. The day his aunt told him the story of the village he left for the docks and joined the first crew that would have him - a Kushite corsair, as it happened. He knew he would need to be a pirate to kill a pirate, and a pirate captain to kill a pirate captain.
The days passed, tedium punctuated with sudden death, when a man came about wearing a shark-tooth necklace, carved with strange symbols. Words were exchanged. Knives were drawn. Blood stained the decks, the ship underway, no challenge offered or accepted. For his offense, Maro was marooned on a nameless island. He survived. And survived. And survived. He'd lost track of the days before a soft-hearted Mitran captain paused on his voyage home to Messantia to take him aboard, two shark-tooth necklaces hung around his neck...