Barbat Rauta
Ironskin (Siderenos) / 4th
XP: 10,263/20,000
Alignment - Neutral
Henchman to Velsind Flere
STR - 16 (+2 melee, open doors 4-in-6)
INT - 6 (Basic literacy)
WIS - 11
DEX - 10
CON - 11
CHA - 9
- Alignment
- Common
- Irontongue
General Skills
- Athletics -
- Climbing (Str) - Skilled, 10+
- Endurance (Con)- Skilled, 10+
- Jumping (Str) - Skilled, 10+
- Running (Con) - Skilled, 10+
- Profession (Int): Drill Sergeant - Skilled, 10+
Class Abilities
- Has natural AC of 5; over time skin hardens and AC will get lower.
- Immune to paralysis from ghouls.
- Only need to rest every 12 turns; can force march for 2 days before tiring.
- Once per day, when damage would reduce them to 0 hp, it instead reduces them to 1 hp.
- Vulnerable to lightning and electricity, roll to save with disadvantage; if no save is allowed, automatically take max damage.
- Touch of rust monster is deadly, hit by feeler drains one level.
- Heat Metal spell damages them as if they were wearing metal armor.
- Starts with two combat maneuvers, may select an additional maneuver at levels 5 and 10.
- Starts with three skills, plus any bonus from high INT; gain a new skill at levels 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12.
- Starts with one Knack; gains a new Knack at levels 4, 7, and 10.
- Toughness - rolls 1d12 for HD
AC: 4 / 5 (no shield)
HP: 27 (36 max)
Movement Rate: 90'/30'
Initiative Modifier: 0
- Primary Melee Attack: Long Sword (sword and shield style): +4 hit, 1d8+4 damage
- Secondary Melee Attack: Long Sword (one weapon style): +5 hit, 1d8+4 damage
- Primary Ranged Attack: Spear - 1d6 damage
Fighting Style
- Sword and Shield: One ally adjacent to, and up to two allies immediately behind, the fighter gain a +1 bonus to their armor class.
- One Weapon: Gains a +1 bonus to attack
Combat Maneuvers
- Stun: On a successful roll the target automatically acts last during the following round; only affects living targets. (STR, Proficient, 15+, 13+ if using fighting style)
- Trip: On a successful attack the target falls to the ground until their turn; takes their entire movement to stand back up; while prone all attacks against are at +2. (STR, Proficient, 15+, 13+ if using fighting style)
- Petrification & Paralysis - 11
- Poison & Death - 9
- Blast & Breath - 12
- Staves & Wands - 10
- Spells - 13
Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance is under 200 coins
- Shield
- +1 Sword
- Spear (x2)
- Belt and pouch
- Backpack
- Waterskin (x2)
- Flint & Steel
- Large Sacks (x2)
- War Horse
- Saddle & bridle
- Horse Barding
- Saddle Bags
- Large Sacks (x3)
- On Hand: 95 gp, 45 sp, 50 cp
- With Factor: 400 gp