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The Great Super Villain Contest

issue #1

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 12, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:
For several months, the anti-social activities of many of the world's most powerful villains have been on the decline. This has been seen in many quarters as evidence that the constant vigilance of the world's costumed champions of justice has been more successful of late; however, some fear that this observed decline is merely an indication that some greater evil is marshalling its forces for a grand assaunt on humankind.
Those fears are correct.
Hidden deep beneath the semi-toxic waters of one of Brick City's chemical factories lies the secret citadel of  ??? , the mysterious villain whose very existence is still unknown. From this sub-terra stronghold, the mastermind has sent forth his emissaries of evil to make contact with the most powerful villains of all. He has offered them an opportunity to prove once and for all which among them is the deadliest threat to the forces of law and order. Their immediate objective will be to embarrass, defeat, and ultimately to destroy the superheroes of Earth. Their final goal will be Power Absolute.
To the final victor in the struggle for supremacy the mastermind has promised  ??? ...
PHASE 1 - the qualifying round
  • Mastermind begins contacting villains, thugs, crooks and other seedy elements, telling them of the contest and its prize, instructing them to begin assailing superheroes and passing the good word to their villainous allies. To participate they must simply respond with accknowledgement. He doesn't mention that every villain on Earth is a contestant - even villain totally ignorant of the contest will be evaluated so long as word of their deeds reach the mastermind.
  • GOAL: Gain points by battling, defeating, and humiliating heroes. The more formidable the hero the more points are awarded for his defeat. Conversely, the more villainsthere are attacking a hero, the fewer points there are to go around. This is to weed out would-be competitors who are unfit to be a supervillain and to evaluate the supervillains abilites and powers. Villains who consistently lose to heroes, or who are too stupid to take advantage of their opportunities, or who are too psychopathic to control themselves under stress, will likely not do well enough to reach the second phase of the competition. The purpose of the contest is to determine the most powerful supervillains (and heroes) on Earth.

issue #2

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 19, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:

issue #3

M&M presents: "tGSVC, part I" , September 19, 2007. GM: KEVIN
RECAP:  ???
Issue ROSTER:  ???
GM ONLY Notes:


  • C.H.O.R.E.S.' - the Commission for Heroic Operations Reward Endevor System: In order to increase the safety and welfare of its citizens the city government is instituting this super-rewards program.
    "Do the chores get the rewards Brick City heroes!"
standing in line to cash in the coupons for dumb gifts
save the coupons up to get the good stuff like with the fairground tickets.
special offers of just about any sort that you receive with your credit card statement
exchange some of their points/reward dollars for tickets to theme parks, airline upgrades, magazine subscriptions, sunglasses, free superhero business cards and return address labels (just pay for shipping)
discounts at local second rate clothing stores (for all those suits they'll be leaving in phone booths)
discounts on large framed eye glasses (same reason)
discounts for drycleaning (for their super suits).
a free home make over for their hideouts (On the popular "Secret HQ for You" TV show for d-listers, like trading spaces or spouces but for team HQ's and/ or team leaders)!
  • "Super Welfare": snide super (one with hefty endorsements) refer to the checks that the B-list heroes wait in line for as "welfare" checks...

  • Super-Life: The PCs are all put together by a reality-TV producer who wants to do a show on [# of PCs] superhumans, all strangers, all fitting 'just the right made for TV dynamic' are put in an apartment for six months and filmed 24/7. The film crew would consist of some kind of gadgeteer able to made cameras that can follow them on their adventures, battles, and even 'trips to dimension X'.

Brick city