Minor Villains 2
Evil Secret Societies
Black Sword Pirates
Neutral Evil Secret Society
The most feared villains along the coast of Breland, Zilargo, Darguun, and Q'barra. The Black Sword Pirates were originally a small band of murderers and thieves that were slowly being assembled into an increasingly larger syndicate by the late Harath Clawblade. When that man perished at Lykanaton, the Pirates had their power vacuum filled by members of the Dreaming Dark whom have continued to build up their power base.
Currently, the Black Sword Pirates have formed an alliance with the Black Lotus Society as they target those Merchant Houses that refuse to pay tribute to the former organization while recieving a portion of the booty instead. They have begun taking whole crews as opposed to just killing them in order to sell them on the slave trade to Darguun and beyond. The Brelish Navy has full intention to deal with the matter but the same hamperings in Parliament that plagued them with the Blood Claws makes dealing with the Black Sword Pirates all the more troublesome.
Aundair has also found much of its shipping to be harassed thanks to the efforts of the ruthless band of cutthroats and thieves. The Black Sword Pirates are identified by a Cutlass underneath their Skull and Crossbones plus a specially marked Piece of Eight they keep around their neck. Fear has actually made it possible for them to recieve resupply even in the heart of Sharn.