Collune Rahnvalla
In Occupied Lands
Collune is extremely careful not to be detected while in occupied areas where astiraxes could be found. She is especially hostile toward astiraxes and will work against them on occasion.
Method: Collune casts detect astirax, modified to be a scentless spell and explores an area that seems as though astiraxes could be active. Once she finds one, she usually doesn't fight it, but instead uses her channeler ability to force the astirax to leave the animal. This leaves the astirax unable to posess another animal for a full day, and leaves it too disoriented to identify the source of the exorcism.
- Mastery of Spirits: The spiritual channeler may exorcise any possessing entity from a corporeal, living creature. This ability works just like the good cleric's ability to turn undead in the d20 system core rules, except that it is a Wisdom check and it only functions on creatures using a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability to possess another creature. Common examples include a ghost's or spirit's malevolence ability, the magic jar spell, or dominate person.
- If the channeler is successful, the entity is forced out of the host and back into its own body, a receptacle, or simply expelled into the nearest space outside the host, whichever is appropriate for the possessing effect. A creature that has benefited from the channeler's exorcism ability may not be possessed by the same being for 24 hours; if the channeler had double the possessing creature's HD, that creature may not be possessed by the same creature for one year.
Midnight: the Shadow Killers player Bill