User:Gadget/First Series/Episode 3

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Two Left Feet

Pre Session

The game this week was delayed slightly due to personal car trouble, and the fact that we had to go through anothe character evaluaion due to Mark's previous character "disappearing". I suggest that all the players from this point on produce and attempt to put and replacement characters on this page before the game begins so that we can evaluate them ahead of time, and start the game with little or no fuss.

This session has taken little prep, and I have left much in the characters hands in an effort to get them to be self motivating. The lack of Bill has left me with an interesting conundrum, and two empty seats that I still want to fill, though integrating new players might be a little difficult. I'm sure I'll find a solution.

Stepping on Her Feet

This session saw the charcters now caught with the problem of having just finished restraining their victim, Ms. Sakura, and contacting Bluesky's Fixer contact, Paku, in order to get their next instructions from their mysterious Mr. Johnson.

Johnson informed them that they were to be the ones to contact Kokori's father and handle the negotiations for 200,000 nuyen, of which they would get half, and that the Johnson would not be able to handle this himself due to "relation problems". They were sent an ecrypted message to deliver and the corresponding decryption file for it. But due to the lack of someone computer savvy they were forced to find another hacker. Mark had provided a technomancer/simsense amateur-pornstar as his replacement character, and the party was put in contact with her to do a spoof job and deliver the data-package.

After a few failed attempts on Erinye's behalf, Her and Yuri decided it would be better implemented from the mafia safehouse, and so headed back. Meanwhile, Carlos and Nexx ungagged Kokori and attempted, poorly, to engage in a discussion about the morals of their current choice of employment, and the need of their hostage to take certain biological liberties such as water, food, clean clothes, and use of a bathroom. When Erinye arrived she was shocked by the poor treatment the other three were giving Ms. Sakura, and demanded that she be allowed to at least use the bathroom. The boys accepted after a quick altercation, and Erinye seemed to have calmed the situation down and gotten Kokori to be more cooperative with her captures. She was even given a beer while the characters discussed the next plan of action.

This quickly came to an end when Erinye went to procure the girl something to wear while in captivity, and the boys decided that they would be better served with Kokori again tied to the bed. They then proceeded to chase eachother around the house as she pelted them with pieces of furniture, and slipping out of Carlos' grip repeatedly. When she realized that Yuri was standing confusedly in the corner(after critically glitching his initiative roll), and was armed, Kokori turned the tables on them by taking him hostage with his own gun. Luckily Carlos still had actions remaining and proceeded to pounce on the two of them and knock Kokori unconcious with a hard blow and a shock from his shockfrill jacket.

When Erinye eventually came back with a set of generic "flats"; generic, disposable, biodegradeable clothes that can be gotten out of any stuffer-shack vending machine, she returned to Carlos holding the unconcious Kokori's head and dabbing blood from it with a wet towel. The other two had left in order to locate and steal a minivan, to what purpose I have yet to see.

Lastly, Nexx was contacted by the Johnson and informed that they would be provided with a commlink with which to commence hostage negotiations, and decided to have it delivered to their safehouse. With this we concluded the session.

Post Game

I had high hopes that perhaps the characters were going to try and befriend Kokori during this session, rather than antagonise and continue to abuse her. They are, however, quickly learning that she is not to be underestimated in a fight, and is in fact a relatively adept martial artist who has regularly resisted being grappled, though she has failed to really hurt anyone except for Yuri, and him only temporarily. I am also hopeful for the intoduction of Mark's new character, who seems to be genuinely interested in keeping the hostage safe, and to be more well rounded and cautionary in the future.

I have to do a bit more prep work for next week, but the openess of this game limits my preparedness to only creating a number of scenes and encounters. I am interested in seeing what the players decide to do next.

Player Comments

Hey now! We fed her! We're not monsters! Well, OK I'm a monster but I still gave her food. Cheeseburgers are good for ya'! Gave her water, too! And plenty of it. But she doesn't seem to be getting the whole "we're doing you a favor" thing... And I'm really getting sick of explaining it to her. Oh, by the way: shouldn't someone go and dunk Blu's head in something 'til he sobers up. He's missing a lot of action here! Someone should at least tell him about the hacker going ratty. And speaking of hackers: Not that I don't like this new broad... 'cause I don't... but is someone keeping track of how many different "cuts" our money is going to go through before it gets to us?
- Carlos

Speaking of money... wasn't the initial job to procure the 'package' only? I don't recall anything about having to deliver the 'package' or even negotiate with 'the customer'. Perhaps we need to talk to Mr. Johnson about a pay raise seeing as how this job is getting increasingly difficult and risky.
Also, here's some advice from someone who used to make deliveries for a living - always secure the package and never keep it out of your sight.
- Nexx

Oh dear! This is becoming far more of a hassle then I thought. But! I suppose I got myself into this mess so I better clean it up and keep it clean. I hate being the nanny, but that money looks awfully nice and I'm so sure I can make that "dad" pay more. Though, seriously, these men really need to treat girls with some respect! We are not objects you know, Geesh! Sigh, that human wanna-be ork is awfully testy too. Well, I guess we will see how it plays out - like pawns at my fingertips heheh. .
- Erinyes

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