State vs. Reagan - Additional Details
According to a study by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. There were 1,302 cars per square mile in Montogmery County, Virginia and 1,131 in Prince George County, Virginia.
9 mile radius = 81 * 3.14 miles =~= 250 square miles. What sort of territory? If it was rural, ain't many vehicles. If it was urban? You're talking about thousands of cars. Assuming 40 cars per square mile (which is probably waaaaay low) thats 10,000 cars. $15k each mean (some new cars, some beaters..) thats $150,000,000. Two and one ranks of the wealth feat does NOT mean you can throw away $300 million (Half goes to the lawyers, remember )
And maybe they hire a super good lawyer. But he gets paid by the hour. A class action suit gets REALLY good lawyers because if they win on those stakes, they're going to get MILLIONS. Thats why class action lawsuits exist.. Not to make things easier.. To pool resources to get better lawyers (supposedly, anyway - They're really a big scam by the legal profession I think.)
Whats the difference between a lawyer and a steaming sack of garbage? The sack. ^_- (My best friend is a lawyer, and she thinks its a funny joke)
[Clever me - I did some web-surfing real quick. 250 cars per square mile was way way way way way way way low for an urban area, even east coast. One article I saw said that Fairfax had over 7,000 cars per square mile. Now, I dunno how TRUE that is, but if you killed even 10x as many as I said up there, thats a billion dollars.]