Patric Blach

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Patric "Pat" Blach Lawful neutral half-elf male Expert 1/Fighter 4/Warblade 6 (Diamond Mind, Iron Heart)

Patric Blach started up as sailor for the Windwright Guild, educated to perform repairs on Airships while doubling as a security guard. His life took a turn to the worse though, the day he starter to search work in the private sector, as that marked the day he'd get on board Vice Admiral Ramirez's private life, which lead to him meeting Rupert "Rupin" Carter. Since then, his life has been a railroad coaster, as he and Rupin disappeared into Darguun. Nobody knows so far exactly what the two did in Darguun, but three months later, the two turn up in Droaam, showing off considerable growth as warriors. Patric has been trained as a Warblade, and he has taken the time to master the katana, which he know uses as a second nature.

Patric got a serious, but not unfriendly, attitude. he completely lacks any sense of humor, although he has shown hints of cynicisms when dealing with Rupin. He has picked up a respect for honor since he became a warblade, and he usually shows a great personal focus, which only breaks when he thinks people are making fool of him. With emotionless green eyes and blond hair, Patric is a pretty handsome guy, even though he seldom gets the attention from any ladies, as his distant behavior scares away any casual company. Patric dresses in casual clothes, seldom bothering with armor. He carries a katana at his side, but is otherwise completely unarmed.

Shadows over Cyre