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Surviving and Thriving after the Collapse of the Global Economy
Rising sea levels, 4th generation warfare, crop failures, the new tribalism, plagues and famine, the collapse of civil society, mutants and zombies. It's not like you couldn't see these things coming. People simply lost faith in the MCGods (Multinational Corporations) who protected humanity and provided us with everything we needed. Most people stopped believing in business and technology altogether. Now too many people are trying to live off of the land. Billions have died and the global population is still shrinking. You have traveled far to find a place where you believe you can live the best possible life in this new world. Good luck. You will need it.

Traiders is an RPG setting inspired by collaborative fiction developed by readers of Lance Miller's Progressive Positive blog, including Seth Galbraith and B. F. Galbraith, authors of the Mano a Mano role-playing system. Traiders is a post-apocalyptic setting with cyberpunk elements which re-examines popular assumptions about the future of civilization, sustainable lifestyles and the end of the world.


  • Cults - communities dominated by new religious movements.
  • Elfs - anarcho-primitivist eco-terrorists working to erase the last traces of civilization.
  • Han Diaspora - chinese communities around the world and their influence.
  • Pacifists - weakly defended communities provide tribute and prey for other groups.
  • TLDs - remnants of today's nation-states and international agencies.
  • Traiders - modern-day Vikings whose lifestyle includes both raiding and trading.
  • Warlords - armies and gangs fighting for finite resources in the great zero-sum game.
  • Zombies - the walking dead, the infected, cannibals, posthumans and living robots.


The World

North America


  • The Dalles - a technologist traider enclave in Cascadia.
  • UnityVille - a Hive State community in rural Utah.
  • New Jerry - a cultural center of Christian America in the Midwest.