Xia: Wushu Secrets

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Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Wushu Secrets

This page links to Lore Sheets for various Wushu Secret styles. Within each Lore Sheet is a selection of Wushu secrets that your character might choose to learn.

Common Styles

The Lore Sheets linked below represent common martial arts. These are the sort of martial arts that starting characters would be likely to know, and which are easily acquired and learnt. Teachers of these styles are found in every major city, and have well known and well established monastery-schools. Of course, few will ever master them to the degree that the Xia can!

  • Xia: Eight Trigram Wushu - This is the Tao of fighting... eight fundamental techniques that tap the qualities of the warrior's soul.

Rare Styles

The Lore Sheets linked below represent rarer martial arts. Starting characters will not normally have access to these, at least not without GM agreement. Seeking out a teacher or lore scrolls for these styles is a quest in itself, and knowledge of these fighting techniques must be earned, rather than just given for the asking.


This page created by Asklepios.