Game 0.0
Game 1.0
- 01-Jun-2518: Ships transponder beacon disengaged to shut off automatic transmission
- 01-Jun-2518: Ships transponder beacon reengaged to automatically transmit
- 01-Jun-2518: Lock controls for gun locker; partial bypass, later restored to normal condition
- 05-Jun-2518: front portside container detach controls; upper deck; modified to bypass remote detach from the bridge; now set to manual detach procedure
Game 2.0
Game 3.0
- 14-Jun-2518: Pulse Beacon Data reformatted; ship name: The Beatrix Queen, owner name: Felicia Chen
- 04-Jul-2518: Pulse Beacon Data reformatted; ship name: Maddy's Gambit, owner name: Hope Taswell
- 04-Jul-2518: Pulse Beacon Data reformatted during legal transfer of ownership; ship name: Summer's Gift, co-owners' names: Nika Earhardt, Christian Edge, Marina Kseniya Sebastien, Arden689; recorded and notarized: Lucifer's Landing, Orphan, Angel, Kalidassa (Xuan Wu) System
Game 4.0
Game 5.0
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