Xia: Ultimate Predictionist
Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Shen Secrets -> Xia: Ultimate Predictionist
"The mirrors, the dousing rods, the divinations... actually these are just props. The real art of predictionism comes from observation, analysis, pattern recognition and more than a large helping of intuition. You say you want me to teach you? I knew you'd say that!"
This page is a Lore Sheet for Ultimate Predictionist, a set of Shen Secrets relating to the prediction of the future - what in modern terms we would recognise as a mix of statistics, pattern recognition, forensic psychology and honed "gut instinct".
These techniques relate directly to mental conflict. However, they aren't entirely limited to this, as they'll indirectly influence mental and social conflicts too! The kung fu secrets described are a great way for mentally-adept characters to close the gap against more socially and physically adept opponents.
Know Your Enemies, Know Yourself
Spies and scouts are the conventional means of assessing an enemy, but the true chi-aligned general need only open his mind, and information flows to him. He can read portents from the sky and earth, and absorb every clue, and without a single scout he will know all he needs to.
Cost: None. Takes one hour.
Keywords: Preparation; Mental;
Effect: This power cannot be used during the Conflict, and must be completed beforehand. You assess the strength of an enemy general and his army. This instantly tells you his Mental trait, his Trigram ratings and the size and nature of any Warfare Modifiers that would be applied to your side or his if it were to come to a conflict right now. Unfortunately, it doesn't let you know anything about his kung fu secrets!
Warfare is Deception
The skilled general reveals nothing about himself to the enemy. However, the truly masterful general reveals lies and illusions, and weakens his enemy by doing so.
Cost: None. Always on.
Keywords: Preparation; Mental;
Effect: If targeted by Know Your Enemies, Know Yourself you can choose to withold all information. The enemy becomes aware of you using this power to block him.
Effect: If targeted by Know Your Enemies, Know Yourself you can choose to or allow information to be taken, but substitute a portion of it with fabrications. Select one of the three categories of 1) Your Trigrams 2) Your Mental Trait 3) Size of Warfare Modifiers. Whichever category you choose, you can create any information you like - the other two categories are reported accurately. The enemy is not made aware of you using this power.
Benefits of Preparation
Knowledge is not enough to win you every battle. But to act on knowledge, and to prepare, that is victory.
Cost: None. Takes one hour.
Keywords: Preparation; Mental;
Effect: This power cannot be used during the Conflict, and must be completed immediately beforehand. Select ONE of the eight Warfare Modifiers. When Conflict is joined, that Warfare modifier is ignored for the battle. You can only use this power once before each conflict.
Flow of Battle
A general is in his element when it comes to war - the ebb and flow of the battlefield are harmonious with his soul.
Cost: None.
Keywords: Modifier; Mental;
Effect: During a Mental Conflict that relate to commanding military forces in battle and war, you regain 1 Yang Chi after each attack you make, and regain 1 Yin Chi after each defence you make.
This page created by Asklepios.