Xia: The Way Of Cultivated Chi

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Xia: Main Page -> Xia: Inner Masteries -> Xia: The Way Of Cultivated Chi

"What use are your wushu exercises if you concentrate purely on the external? If you wish to be a true Sage of the Tao, you must attend to your breathing, your inner Chi and the energies that move within you."


This page is a Lore Sheet for the The Way Of Cultivated Chi, a set of Inner Masteries relating to inner harmony and chi balance.

Because of the nature of some of these techniques, it is worth noting again the general rule that each Kung Fu secret can only be learnt once by a given Individual.

Balance of Inner Harmony[edit]

You are aware of your inner chi, and can balance or redistribute it through controlled breathing.

Keywords: Action;

Effect: As an action, you can convert any amount of Yang Chi into Yin Chi or vice versa, but this cannot cause you to exceed your usual maximums.

Principle of Yang Mastery[edit]

You have cultivated the forceful and active masculine chi within yourself.

Keywords: Continuous;

Effect: Add +X to your starting and maximum Yang Chi, where X is your Thunder Trigram.

Principle of Yin Mastery[edit]

You have cultivated the passive and accepting feminine chi within yourself.

Keywords: Continuous;

Effect: Add +X to your starting and maximum Yin Chi, where X is your Mountain Trigram.


This page created by Asklepios.