Starfall: Fade
System Information
Star: (F) Green, Brown Dwarf
- Ashron Ring System
- Olor Class 3, Super-Terran (G1, R2, A3, P1, H0)
- Valtar Class 1, Sub-Terran (G1, R1, A2, P3, H2)
- Lasador Class 2, Terran (G2, R1, A2, P4, H1)
Valtar is the mainworld of the Fade System, the planet has abundant oceans and even boasts single celled native life forms. The low gravity of the planet is the only real challenge to habitation, and has not caused any major concerns. Lasador also contains a few settlements in the form of floating cities.
People and Culture
Fade is a unique place. Its people idealize and romanticize the notion of piracy and a roguish lifestyle. For the most part however they are civil law biding citizens who happen to live in a system ruled by a confederation of pirate clans. Depending upon their needs the clans can be ruthlessly totalitarian or paternally benevolent.
Humans are the largest population, with werens coming in at a distant second. The people here resemble Eborians in their physical characteristics, including their unique red hair.
In 2161 Eberon established a small outpost in the Fade System, this outpost was a small prison and labor camp for political opponents of the Eborian Empire. The outpost was never of any real value to the empire and remained very small.
Fade history begins in 2244 when a group of sailors and pirates from the Mesak system did not feel like their efforts during the Stellar War Stellar War were being acknowledged. These pirates came to Fade (which was already popular port for pirates) and established a colony, absorbing the small population that was already there.
The early Faders had no wish to become part of the Galactic Alliance and wished to remain free and neutral. This position made the Senate very uncomfortable. Mesak tried for the next few years to come to a diplomatic arraignment with the Faders.
in 2251 Mesak attacked Fade and a conflict know as the Pirate War followed. This conflict lasted for many years and became more and more bitter, with both sides performing acts of terrorism and gorilla warfare. Fade held the advantage for most of the war.
In 2257 A charismatic and brutal clan leader named Peter Astinos is able to take control of the various clans and assume a position of leadership over the other clans. Promising to punish the Maesaks once and for all Astinos is able to gain great popular support and uses his command of the armed forces he quickly delivers a number of stunning victories against the Mesaks.
In 2268 Fade's dominance had become so clear that Mesak gained help from Starfall:_Halo|Halo. The Halorians were able to inflict massive damage on the Faders in a very short period of time and quickly public support for the war in Fade started to diminish. Peter Astinos is killed by his daughter Kali in 2269 and is able to work out an agreeable cease fire arrangement.
Game Information
In addition to the rules in the PHB, Faders also have the following traits:
Favored Skill: Navigation, Systems, or Street Smart
Old Injury: Faders gain 4 points for taking the old injury flaw.