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The year is 2060. Technology has advanced but society goes on as always. The rich get richer while the poor just barely get by and live in abject fear of losing what little they have. The dreams of science-fiction authors have been realized in many ways, but not quite as expected. The miracles of artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and cybernetics changed how life was lived from a day to day perspective without really changing the basic struggle to survive. Artificial intelligence eliminated the need for basic human supervision. Rogue AI occassionally appear, but for the most part the artificial intelligences are nothing more than hyperintelligent bureaucrats struggling towards a preprogrammed ideal of perfection that is beyond even their abilities. Nanotechnology permanently made obsolete human toil, but on a far less sophisiticated level than expected. Molecules can be assembled and disassembled to order, but little more. The fantasy of the combat cyborg never came to pass. Too costly and quickly made obsolete to be effective for main-line soldiers, cybernetics found use in espionage and special forces all the same. Organized crime also has seen the value of superhuman operatives. These warewolves are the center of our story.

What is a Warewolf

Simply put, a warewolf is a person that has been cybernetically enhanced. He or she appears to be completely normal to the casual observer, but any simple imaging scan will reveal that the operative has a variety of nano-colonies and cybernetic enhancements housed in his or her body. These men and women are the protagonists of this story.

The Rules

Warewolves is a conversion based on White Wolf's World of Darkness rules. No challenge is intended towards White Wolf's copyrights; please consider buying some of their many fine products.


Irina Abbot

Cheryl Maddox

Uly Poole

Lawrence Smalls