Character:Crimson Meteor

- Crimson Meteor
- Caste: Chosen of Battles
- Concept: Ace Warstrider Pilot
- First Impression and Appearance Text
A Chosen of Battles reflexively makes the Lesser Sign of Mars for 10 motes. The Chosen’s anima billows outward in a brilliant scarlet that engulfs all those affected. For one scene, the Sidereal and all his allies within (his Essence x 10) yards reduce the damage they suffer from all attacks by one level in Step 10 of attack resolution, after damage is rolled; this effect takes place after other such effects (as from starmetal armor) and does not reduce damage below one health level. Allies enjoy this advantage only as long as they remain within range. With the Sidereal’s anima banner in the 11 to 15 mote range, this costs only five motes. If the banner is fully manifest (16+), this costs only one.
- Strength 4
- Dexterity 6
- Stamina 4
- Charisma 3
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 4
- Perception 5
- Intelligence 2
- Wits 5
- Archery 5
- Athletics 2
- Melee
- Presence 3
- War 4
- Awareness 4
- Dodge 5
- Integrity 2
- Lore 4
- Martial Arts 5
- Ride 5
- Resistance 2
Artifact 1 (Starmetal Fivefold Harmonic Adapter)
Theis adapter allows Crimson Meteor to attune to (and gain the magical material benefits of) her blue jade warstrider without having to commit twice the normal amount of essence. (WotLA, p. 57)
Artifact 1 (Starmetal Fivefold Harmonic Adapter)
Theis adapter allows Crimson Meteor to attune to (and gain the magical material benefits of) her blue jade warstrider flight system without having to commit twice the normal amount of essence. (WotLA, p. 57)
Artifact 1 (Starmetal Fivefold Harmonic Adapter)
Theis adapter allows Crimson Meteor to attune to her Elsewhere stutter cannon without having to commit twice the normal amount of essence. (WotLA, p. 57)
Artifact 3 (Hurricane-class Variable Common Warstrider)
Artifact 4 (Warstrider Flight System)
DotFA Lords, p. 90
Artifact 3 (Warstrider Elsewhere Stutter Cannon)
Command 1
Connections 4 (Denandsor Council)
Manse 3 (???)
Plugged into warstrider. (DotFA Lords, p. 90)
Manse 4 (???)
Plugged into flight system (DotFA Lords, p. 90)
Resources 1
Each Ability or Attribute
Charms for that Ability/Attribute (include short description and page #)
Essence: 5
Personal: 18/18
Peripheral: 49/49
Committed: 0
8 of 8
- Compassion: 2
- Conviction: 4
- Temperance: 1
- Valor: 4
Limit Break
Shieldbearers’ Flawed Fates force them to advocate, seek or cause ever-greater conflicts for a single session (week of play)
- List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons
- Give us at least two or three short paragraphs
- Give at least one short paragraph
Merits & Flaws
Luck (2pts)
Crimson Meteor has a luck pool of 4, and can spend a point from her luck pool to reroll a failed or botched roll.
Legendary Dexterity (3pts)
Crimson Meteor's Dexterity cap is (permanent Essence) + 1.
Tactical Instincts (3pts)
As a commander or special character in mass combat, roll (Wits + War), gain pool of bonus dice equal to successes for scene. No more than 3 bonus dice can be spent on any single attack.
Diminished Taste (-1pt)
The character has no sense of taste and automatically fails all Perception rolls to identify a substance by taste.
Minor Oath (-1pt, Backing)
The character has sworn an oath to serve the Denandsor Council.
Code of Honor (-2pts)
This character is incapable of lying to or betraying anyone whom s/he considers to be an ally unless her player first fails a Conviction roll.
Vice (thrill-seeking, -3pts)
This character is addicted to thrill-seeking. When the character encounters an opportunity for thrill-seeking, the character’s player must successfully roll Temperance against a difficulty of 3 lest the character surrender to the chosen vice. The player may spend one Willpower to have the character ignore the effects of a failed Temperance roll for a scene.
Vice (sex, -3pts)
This character is addicted to sex. When the character encounters an opportunity for sex, the character’s player must successfully roll Temperance against a difficulty of 3 lest the character surrender to the chosen vice. The player may spend one Willpower to have the character ignore the effects of a failed Temperance roll for a scene.