Scions of Heaven
Scions of Heaven is an Exalted Game, set in the dark and uncertain future at the edge of the End of the Second Age. Our heroes are children and young adults who have known nothing but the idyllic existence that they have found themselves. Their Matron has planned however for the day when her children will win back Creation from a dark evil whose evil everyone knows and yet no one does.
- Wednesday @ 3 (or 5pm PST if needed)
- Session 0 Will be a Character Generation Session (Basically more for the determining of your future Exalted Type and Caste)
- IRC- Primarily, AIM or OpenRPG if not
The Story So Far
- Nothing Yet. Coming Soon
Character Generation
Players So Far
- Andrensath: Priide Kittee, Physician Savant
- Spiral Viral
- Frank: Burns Brightly Fox, Survialist/Hermit... (Well as much as a hermit there on the Hill can be)
- Lafing_Cat: Raised by T-Birds before being picked up by Scarlet Ruby
- (none yet)
- (none yet)
- (none yet)
- (none yet)
- (none yet)
- (none yet)
- Mortals
- (None yet)
- DragonBlooded
- (none yet)
- Sidereal
- (none yet)
- Alchemicals
- (none yet)