Character:Ta'an Aesin
Game: Once more, with feeling.
Ta'an Aesin
Caste: Zenith Caste, Solar Exalted
Concept: Redeemed Servant of Oblivion.

- To drive the servants of Oblivion from Creation; To banish them from Creation; To bind them to the Underworld and the Labyrinth so that they may never leave.
Natural Intimacies
Negative Intimacies
- The Deathlords, The Abyssals (-)
- Those Dead who abuse the persons and worship of the Living. (-)
Positive Intimacies
- Felines, Cats, Tigers (+)
- The Exalted of the Denandsor Circles (+)
- Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady (+)
Supernatural Intimacies
- Familiar: Ashke (+)
- Lunar Mate: Silveria Arc (Eternal Vow) (True Love) (+)
- A gentle warmth radiating from her being, even as a spiritual bird of prey surrounds and surmounts her body. Its' eyes express great sadness even as they promise annihilation to those who would harm those under her protection. The raptor's wings are expressive, defaulting to a protective stance as they interpose themselves between Aesin and every attack coming her way.
- Strength 3
- Dexterity 6
- Stamina 6
- Charisma 4
- Manipulation 3
- Appearance 5
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 6
Dawn Caste Abilities
- (F) Archery 7 (Immaculate Golden Bow, +3)
- Martial Arts
- (F) Melee 7 (Glorious Solar Saber, +3)
- Thrown
- (F) War 6
Zenith Caste Abilities
- (C) Integrity 6
- (C) Performance 6
- (C) Presence 5
- (C) Resistance 7 (Incomparable Soul-Born Warstrider, +3)
- (C) Survival 4
Twilight Caste Abilities
- Craft
- Investigation 2
- Lore 5
- Medicine
- Occult 4
Night Caste Abilities
- (F) Athletics 5
- (F) Awareness 5
- (F) Dodge 7
- Larceny
- Stealth
Eclipse Caste Abilities
- Bureaucracy 3
- Linguistics 1
- River Speak (Native), Old Realm
- (F) Ride 5 (Familiar, +3)
- Sail
- Socialize 3
Ally 4: Silveria Arc
- Changing Moon Caste, Tattooed Lunar Exalted
- Lunar Bond (5), Eternal Vow, True Love
Ally 4: Solitary Talon of the Veiled Silverhawk Lady
- Zenith Caste, Solar Exalted
Backing 2: The Ancestor Cults of Creation
- Priest, Worshiper, Opposed to the Deathlords
Backing 5: The Exalted Council of Denandsor
- Minister of Justice.
Command 2: The City of Denandsor: The Ministry of Justice
- A mostly-mortal police force, personally loyal to herself and to the Ministry in abstract.
Contacts 5: The City of Denandsor: The Ministry of Justice
- Familiar with all of the major players within the Ministry, with minor contacts spread throughout the city in all areas.
Contacts 5: The City of Denandsor: The Ministry of Public Services
- Familiar with all of the major players within the Ministry, with minor contacts spread throughout the city in all areas.
Contacts 4: The Eastern Underworld
- The City of Thorns, living and dead.
- The City of Sijan, living and dead.
Cult 3: The City of Denandsor
Familiar 3 (+ Ally 2): Ashke
- Gargantuan Black Tiger, Solar Half-Caste
Henchmen 5
- Ten young Dragon-Blooded Exalts, each personally loyal to her and to the Ministry in abstract.
Influence 1
- The Forces of the Mask of Winters
Influence 2: The East
- The City of Thorns, living and dead.
Influence 2: The East
- The City of Sijan, living and dead.
Influence 2
Manse 3: Salar Novo's Last Rest ∂
- Wood Aspected
- A small multistoried house in the Northern Section of the city. This artistic wooden home is surrounded by a fair sized garden, containing a pond, paths and neat flowerbeds. The entire place radiates peace. It was constructed late in the Shogunate as a retirement home for one of the Greatest Artists and Doctors of that Age, the Wood Aspected Terrestrial Salar Novo. Salar himself carved many of the beautiful scenes into the beams and walls of his home, making the place not only a manse but his final masterpiece. A single grave marker lies in the centre of the garden, belonging to Salar himself which is where the manse acquired its name.
- Hearthstone: Gemstone of Mental Health
- Maintainence: 1
- Features:
- Network Nodes
- Geomantic Relay
- Comfort Zone (1pt)
- Magical Convinences (1pt)
- Life Sustaining (3pts, Wood Favoured)
- Workshop Manse: Wood (3pt)
- Network Nodes
Manse 3: Hall of Justice ∂
- Water Aspect
- The location from which she governs as a Minister of Justice, full of bureaucrats, police, gods and the people of Denandsor; all going about their own business within it.
- The building was a grand stone building with sheets of water streaming down the large glass windows that occupy the front face. The building has existed since the mid the First Age when a Night Caste with an interest in Manse constuction took interest in building for the Dragonblooded Magistrates.
- Hearthstone: Stone of Judgement
- Maintainence: 2
- Features:
- Network Node
- Geomantic Relay
- Magical Conviniences (1pt)
- Abjured Cells that are magically reinforced
- Special Interrogation Rooms
- Moniters and Recording Equipment that watch the enterance, the cells, and the interrogation rooms.
- Archive: The Law
- One Mind Within: Those within must confess any crime they have committed. (5pts)
- Network Node
Resources 5 (Wealth 3)
- Derived from the wealth and resources of the City of Denandsor.
Retainers 5
- Twenty retainers, including everything from secretaries and bodyguards, to cooks and body-servants. This is the retinue of a Minister.
Dawn Caste: Archery Charms
- Essence Arrow Attack
- Phantom Arrow Technique
- Immaculate Golden Bow [4]
- Speed 5, Accuracy +24, Damage +24L, Rate 24, Range 600 yards
- Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire
- Illimitable Righteous Missiles
- Lambent Bolt of Annihilation
Dawn Caste: Melee Charms
- One Weapon, Two Blows
- Peony Blossom Attack
- Iron Whirlwind Attack
- Invincible Fury of the Dawn [3] (+Willpower in Attacks)
- Call the Blade
- Glorious Solar Saber
- Speed 3, Accuracy +10, Damage +0L, Defense +23, Rate (Infinite)
- Speed 3, Accuracy +10, Damage +0L, Defense +23, Rate (Infinite)
- Iron Raptor Technique [2] (Supplemental)
- Blazing Solar Bolt [3] (7m Cost) (Supplemental)
- Dipping Swallow Defense
- Piercing Rays of Dawn Meditation [4]
- Sharp Light of Judgment
- Whirling Dervish Method [2]
- Petal Strewn Warrior Path [2] (5m, 1wp Cost)
- Steel Curtain Dance
Dawn Caste: War Charms
- Rout Stemming Gesture
- Commanding the Ideal Celestial Army [2] (Essence x10 in miles)
- Mob Dispersing Rebuke
- Fury Inciting Presence
- General of the All Seeing Sun
- Heroism Encouraging Presence
- Tiger Warrior Training Technique
- Legendary Warrior Curriculum
- Ideal Battle Knowledge Prana
- Swift Solar Strategy
- Incontestable Solar Strategy
- Perfected Tiger Claw Arrangement
- Bronze Tiger Litter Technique
Zenith Caste: Integrity Charms
- Integrity Protecting Prana
- Temptation Resisting Stance
- Elusive Dream Defense
- Transcendent Hero’s Meditation
- Sun King Radiance
- Spirit Maintaining Maneuver
Zenith Caste: Performance Charms
- Respect Commanding Attitude
- Phantom Conjuring Performance
- Creation Spanning Whisper
- Demon Wracking Glory
Zenith Caste: Presence Charms
- Enemy Castigating Solar Judgment
- Devil Flaying Proclamation
Zenith Caste: Resistance Charms
- Whirlwind Armor Donning Prana
- Hauberk Lightening Gesture
- Glorious Solar Plate [4]
- Soak 40, Hardness 20, -0 Mobility, 0 Fatigue, +2 DV (Close Combat Attacks), +6 DV (Ranged Attacks)
- Armored Scout’s Invigoration
- Golden Purity Bulwark [4]
- Incomparable Soul Born Warstrider
Twilight Caste: Lore Charms
- Chaos Repelling Pattern
- Immanent Solar Glory [6]
- Chaos Warding Benison [3]
Twilight Caste: Occult Charms
- Spirit Detecting Glance
- Spirit Cutting Attack
- Ghost Eating Technique
- Holistic Essence Understanding
Night Caste: Athletics Charms
- Graceful Crane Stance
- Monkey Leap Technique
- Soaring Crane Leap [2] (One Scene)
- Lightning Speed
- Spider Foot Style
- Feather Foot Style
- Immovable Righteousness
- Sunbeam Pursuing Alacrity [2]
Night Caste: Awareness Charms
- Keen Sense Technique [3]
- Surprise Anticipation Method
- Treasure Warding Caution
- Attentive Courtier Attitude
Night Caste: Dodge Charms
- Shadow Over Water
- Seven Shadow Evasion [2] (Compassion Flaw) (Conviction Flaw)
- Reflex Sidestep Technique
- Leaping Dodge Method
- Dancing Shadow Evasion
- Shaded Ally Intercession
- Permanent Essence: 6
- Personal Motes: 26 of Twenty-Six.
- Peripheral Motes: 12 (53) of Sixty-Five.
- Peripheral Motes: Immanent Solar Glory: 60 of Sixty.
Committed Motes
- 5 motes -- Immaculate Golden Bow
- 1wp to activate for the scene.
- 8 motes -- Inexhaustible Bolts of Solar Fire
- 1wp to activate for the scene.
- 10 motes -- Glorious Solar Sabers
- 1wp to activate for the scene.
- 10 motes -- Glorious Solar Plate
- 1wp to activate for the scene.
- 20 motes -- Incomparable Soul Born Warstrider
- 1wp to activate for the scene.
10 of Ten
- Compassion: 2
- Conviction: 5
- Temperance: 3
- Valor: 5
Limit Break
Conviction Flaw
"Heart of Flint"
0 of 10.
Combat Values
Defense Values
- Parry DV: 20 (31 w/ Dipping Swallow Defense)
- Dodge DV: 10
- Armored: +2 DV vs Close Attacks, +6 DV vs Ranged Attacks
Social Defense Values
- Parry MDV: 5
- Dodge MDV: 11
Soak Values
- Soak, Natural: 6 Bashing, 3 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
- Soak, Armored: 46 Bashing, 43 Lethal, 40 Aggravated
- Soak, Warstrider: 24 Bashing, 24 Lethal, 24 Aggravated
Hardness Values
- Hardness, Natural: 0 Bashing, 0 Lethal, 0 Aggravated
- Hardness, Armored: 20 Bashing, 20 Lethal, 20 Aggravated
- Hardness, Warstrider: 12 Bashing, 12 Lethal, 12 Aggravated
Health Levels
- -0 []
- -1 [], -1 []
- -2 [], -2 []
- -4 []
- Incapacitated []
Glorious Solar Sabers (2)
- Speed 3, Accuracy 26, Damage 4L, Defense +23, Rate (Infinite)
Immaculate Golden Bow
- Speed 5, Accuracy 40, Damage 28L, Defense --, Rate 24, Range 600 yards
Glorious Solar Plate
- Soak 40B / 40L / 40A, Hardness 20B / 20B / 20A, Mobility -0, Fatigue 0
Physical Merits
- (1) Ambidextrous
Combat Merits
- (3) Tactical Instincts
Supernatural Merits
- (0) Priest of the Unconquered Sun
- (1) Priest of the Ancestor Cults