User:Bill/King of the Road

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Post apocalyptic North America is mostly uninhabited. Settlements are spread across the continent with great distances between them. For the smaller settlements, self-sufficiency is an option, but larger cities like Chi-Town and Northern Gun rely on trade to support their populations. Trade made possible by Road Kings; huge armored trucks that transport tons of cargo across the badlands. The drivers of these vehicles and their mercenary escorts brave all manner of hostile DB, raiders, and treacherous terrain.

King of the Road will be a series that follows the adventures of one of these crews as they transport a load of freight from Ishpeming to the Pecos Republic. This game will necessarily be fairly linear in it's composition and I may attempt to run it as completely episodic; begining and ending an adventure each session.


One player must choose to be the driver. The actual race and class of his or her character is entirely up to the player, but the character must possess the skills necessary to drive a Road King and the ability to navigate cross country may be useful as well. However, navigational skill will not be required as the route will be prearranged and know to the character.

All other player characters are subject to the approval of the driver. Otherwise, virtually anything goes.


I do not normally use the Palladium Role Playing System if I can avoid it. While it can be made serviceable, I just don't like it. I would be willing to use it though; if only to point out how bad it is. Alternatively, I would be happy to use any point-based generic game in my collection or use my own Rifts inspired homebrew.