When the King Comes Knocking:Snorri
Snorri is a dwarf of Forgehome. He has a special hatred for Radgat, and has repeatedly attempted to bully or intimidate him. He leads a gang of thugs, and just before the heroes left Forgehome, he cut his lip and spit blood at Radgat's feet. This has the feel of a Dwarven challenge or oath of enmity of some type, so it's possible that the two will meet once more.
Suddenly, a band of dwarves appear before you. They are dressed in austere, dark clothes. They wield maces, heavy blades and sword-breakers. The one in the front has a maul over one shoulder. He is obviously the leader. His beard is long, and gray, like granite. He flashes a smile that doesn't touch his eyes. His teeth are rotten.
"If it isn't Radgat the Bastion," says the grim dwarf. "I bet you are really excited to see me, Snorri Walsing, again, heh?" Walsing lets the maul slide of his shoulder. Hits the dirt with a heavy thud. "Who are these new friends of yours? You start fraternizing with Outsiders, heh?
"Should have expected as much from you."
Mirthless laughter from Walsing's goons.
"Fuckin' hate your clan, Bastion. You are dirt to me. Not a rock at all, but sand."
-Originally posted by Chrespo, IC Post #222