It's dark in here
The Rainbow Mound...Thieving Trollkin Bastards..
Apple Lane
- They grow apples
- Chalkline
- Road Scholar
- NexusI Lhankor Mhy Scholar
- Mandacaru
- Baron Greystone. Rothar Praxian Bison rider
- Kwll
- Waitlist
- RuneMagus
- 2d6+6
- or
- 90 points
Guild credit
- Battle magic POW x 100L
- Weapon skills STR x 100L
- Sages INTx 100L
Previous Experience
- Appendices of the rule book.
Rune Magic
- 1 free point of rune magic
- Sacrifice for as much as you want.
Magic items
- 1 minor object.
- Riding and Lance wont be used. What ever previous experience gives you in riding you can take as extra and spread in any skills of your choice.
- Dodge skill DEX x 2 instead of Defence.