GURPS:Main Page

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GURPS is a points-based system which proposes to simplify gaming in a number of ways.

Fewer dice

The only die used in GURPS is the d6. Most rolls are made with 3d6; the few remaining rolls are some other number of d6.

Flexible system

GURPS attempts to create a bare framework for roleplaying which can be overlaid with the specific details of any campaign setting or genre.

GURPS Lite is a free downloadable 32 page pdf that will give GMs and players the basics of the game to the extent that campaigns can be run off of it and it alone, though obviously greater detail is available with the full rules.

The system is point based and character traits are comprised of six basic groups, Attributes, Advantages, Skills, Perks, Disadvantages and Quirks. Attributes can cost positive, zero or negative points depending on their value. Advantages, Skills and Perks always cost postive points while Disadvantages and Quirks produce negative points that can be used to make other positive purchases.

Optional detail

The rules are written with the intention that only a certain core set of rules is actually required for play. The remainder add detail and/or realism at the expense of pace, and may be disregarded without making characters or campaigns incompatible with each other.