User:Bill/Hunters of Bhaal
You are a member of the legendary Hunters of Bhaal. A once majestic organization dedicated to the erradication of the cult of Bhaal. You're a junior member, but a member all the same. It is your duty to defend Faerun from the horrific followers of Bhaal that seek to consume the bounty of the land with fire and death. Fame, fortune, and glory await you and your companions. Maybe someday you’ll even be a full member.
Or at least that's the way it was supposed to go. Bhaal died. His Bhaalspawn are all slain. The great heroes of the order have all retired. But you're still a member, right?
The Hunters of Bhaal are at loose ends and small bands of them wander the countryside looking for something impressive to be doing. Your group just happens to be among the least impressive doing this. Your captain quit and half of the unit deserted to join other causes. You are the few, the proud, the one's blindly hoping that something cool will happen if you continue to wear the ceremonial cape you were awarded after training.
This will be a high power campaign with strong elements of swashbuckling and humor. It is highly recommended that rapiers and other finesse weapons be taken. Heavy armor is discouraged.
I have not defined any objectives or metaplot for this game at this time. It's mostly going to revolve around custom created random encounter tables with a strong bias for irony, absurdity, and blatant stupidity. However, players are encouraged to present their own agendas and seek power for themselves; as long as you don't mind a few humorous gaffs occuring along the way.
Stat Block[edit]
As an example of how variable a single stat block can be, all characters will be generated from the same set of numbers. You may allocate the numbers to whatever attributes you like, adjusting them with the racial bonuses/penalties and the level 4 stat bonus that all characters will have. 18, 15, 13, 10, 10, 8
Approved Races[edit]
Any. The more ridiculous, the better. All characters will start at ECL 5. Please note that racial hit dice do count towards ECL. When figuring out how many feats and skill points that your character has at its disposal remember that level adjustments do not count as levels but racial hit dice do.
Approved Classes[edit]
Special. Each character will advance in two classes simultaneously per the gestalt rules. The only amendment to these rules I will be making is that you may gain levels in a single class along with any level adjustment of hit dice from your race. For example Gnolls have a LA of +1 and two racial hit dice. A 5th level Gestalt Gnoll Ranger/Fighter would have two levels in one class and five in the other while three levels would be taken up by the racial requirements.
Approved Feats and Prestige Classes[edit]
Due to the prodigious number of feats and prestige classes in print these will be approved on a case by case basis. This game may just be fore giggles, but I still want to maintain some balance. Custom feats and prestige classes may be submitted for approval as well.
Equipment and Magical Items[edit]
Characters will begin play with 12,000 gold pieces in cash and valuables. No single magical or psionic item may have a market price over 3000 gold pieces. Additionally, each player will be awarded one magical item with a value of no less than 4000 gold by me.
Alignment and other Considerations[edit]
Any alignment is acceptable.
D&D 3.5 or another set to be agreed upon.