Praetor Atlantis' Story (Tobyverse)

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When Emma Burnett beat out hundreds, if not thousands of boys for a slot on the Praetor Project, the country was amazed. Not only was she a girl, she was a complete unknown from the back side of the island, a country bumpkin who had never been to the big city. But in every test she scored higher, much higher than all the boys and beat them out time and time again in everything from acrobatics to strength to hand-to-hand. The sons of soldiers, policemen and bureaucrats, the cream of Atlantis all couldn't beat her. And she still almost didn't make it in.

And then the project was underway. It was here that the real tests and training began. The Project had been designed to turn someone into a weapon and a symbol for Atlantis, to defend everything it stood for. They studied strategy, combat, technology and even public speaking. The rivalry was fierce, and none fiercer than Franklin Wainscott and Emma Burnett. They clashed at every occasion, and the project heads encouraged it, hoping that the rivalry would push the two to greater heights. Some of the other candidates weren't so happy at this, and there were attempts to sabotage her. Still, she wanted it more than any of them. She'd been trained for this by the one man that no one had expected, Tor Olafsson himself, the first Praetor Atlantis, now just a humble old man keeping a farm, who'd seen the drive in an orphan girl he caught stealing chickens. And so the Program continued, and candidates began to wash out. They couldn't take the strain or the training or being beaten by a girl. Until finally, some years later, it was done. Wainscott and Burnett. It had to be one of them. The deliberations took over a day, and finally they told Wainscott he could have his pick of jobs in government or the military, because Emma Burnett would be Praetor Atlantis.

They gave her the weapons and armor then. Atlantis has always prided itself on being on the cutting edge, and this was no exception. Most of the arsenal she received hadn't even gotten out of the prototype phase yet. She put on her costume and then they held a press conference. The city went mad. People were cheering in the streets, or fighting over whether a woman could be the true hero of Atlantis. The revelry and outrage continued for several days, and Praetor Atlantis got her first test defusing rioting mobs and stopping looters, super-powered or otherwise, from pillaging the city. She did so with flying colors, her jetpack allowing her to soar through the air as her gleaning blade cut guns in half and weapons apart. Praetor Atlantis, Atlantis's personal heroine, is here to stay.

Personality: The latest Praetor Atlantis is a driven woman, someone who is supposed to exemplify Atlantis and inspire its people. Which means that she's a bit like a more intense Steve Rogers. She actually has a distaste for the public side of her job, the appearances and press conferences, but puts up with them anyway. She much prefers to be out on the streets or in the sky, fighting evil. All those public speaking lessons have left her with the ability to spout off cheesy, patriotic one-liners without a hint of shame and those who have fought alongside her admit that they do sound pretty good. She's a real hero at heart, but worries that some day her role as a symbol for Atlantis will clash with what she needs to do as a hero.

The Praetor Atlantis Timeline

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