M&M2e Stats
PORTAL PL: 8 (126 pp) ABILITIES: STR: 10 (0) DEX: 14 (+2) CON: 16 (+3) INT: 10 (0) WIS: 10 (0) CHA: 14 (+2)
SKILLS: Acrobatics 6 (+8), Bluff (+2), Diplomacy (+2), Disguise (+2), Drive (+2), Escape Artist (+2), Gather Info (+2), Handle Animal (+2), Intimidate (+2), Popular Culture 4 (+4), Notice 6 (+6), Stealth (+2)
FEATS: Precise Shot (1)
POWERS: *Teleport [6], extra: Portal [6], feat: Change Direction, , feat: Change Velocity, , feat: Progresion x4 1,000 lbs, , feat: Turnabout, , flaw: all tports are portals (can be attacked through) [6], *ESP (Sight and Sound) [6], flaw: can be attacked through portal [6], *Deflection [7], extra: Ranged [7], extra: Reflection [7], extra: Redirection [7], AP: Blast, Area (Line), Water Blast [7] - DC:22:tough, AP: Blast, Area (Cone), Magma Blast [7] - DC:22:tough, *Device: Costume (8pts) [2], Protection (5tps) [5], Immunity to Cold and Heat (2pts), , Communicator (1pt),
COMBAT: Attack 5 [Unarmed +0 (Bruise)] Defense 15 (12 flat-footed) Init 2
SAVES: Toughness 8 (8 flat-footed) Fortitude 5 Reflex 4 Will 2
Abilities 14 + Skills 4 (16 ranks) + Feats 1 + Powers 81 + Combat 20 + Saves 6 – Drawbacks 0 = 126 / 126
Portal (aka Travis Cochrane) is, in many ways, your normal 23 year old middle American guy.
Travis grew up in a middle-class home in suburban Seattle, his parents are still married, and he has two sisters (one older and one younger). He has recently graduated from Western Washington University with a bachelor's degree in journalism. There would really be nothing overly remarkable about him if not for the small fact that he can rip holes in the spacial continuum, letting himself and others travel instantaneously from point to point...
Travis is a good kid at heart. He loves the fact that he has super powers and likes to use them at every opportunity. This can get him into trouble at times.
In the field he tends to look to others. Travis realizes that he's pretty new to the whole superhero gig, and working with the great Talon has him pretty floored. So he just tries to follow orders and look out for the welfare of his teammates.
Physical Appearance
Lean, athletic, and of medium height (5' 9"), Travis is a good looking young man. His features strongly lean towards a nordic heritage with tousled blond hair and light blue eyes.
An all-black costume covering most everything but his hair, gives him a distinctive, yet low-profile image when out on a mission.
Battle Tactics
Portal plays a mostly support role when in the field. Between his group telportals, his remote portal viewing and his attack redirecting portals, he can cover a wide variety of logistical, reconnaissance, and defensive roles.
In combat he will hang back and keep an eye out for any attacks that might be threatening his teammates. He will then intercept the attack with one of his portals and send it back where it came from! (well that's the theory at least...)
Heroic Motivations
Thrill Seeker
While Travis is a good guy, and wants to make the world a better place, he mostly just loves having super-powers and gets a kick out of using them.
Travis' allegiances lie firstly with his friends and teammates. If any are in danger he will do most anything to help them out. Secondly, he strives to be a good person and make the world a better place. Travis figures that his powers are a gift and he should do whatever he can to use them to help others. Lastly Travis realizes that while the world is not fair, he now has a chance to balance the scales a bit. Whenever he sees injustice, he strives to make things right.
History & Heroic Origin
Travis first manifested his powers at the age of 16 when he saved the lifes of his sister, his mother and himself.
They had gone downtown to shop for clothes for the upcoming school-year. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to them, at the same time some super-creep had gone beserk and was ripping things up. As they were leaving a department store, a bolder-sized piece of rubble fell towards them. Instictively, Travis threw up his arm in an assumedly futile attempt to ward it off. They all cowered, waiting to be crushed under the chunk of concrete. But it never came. As they looked up to see why they were still alive, they saw the instument of their doom falling a few dozen feet away in the middle of the empty street. Travis was the only one who had seen the air rip open at his gesture, and the chunk of concrete dissappear into the gap in space...
Travis soon found himself being shipped off by his parents to the
3x3 NPCs
- Kira O'Connor: High school teacher.
- Alton Kaufmann: College roommate/ best friend.
- Will'o'wisp (Darcy Choi): Super kid that he met at the institute.
- Dr. Hillary Dale: Institute Scientist who made his suit.
- Karen Falkner: Ex-girlfriend from college who was a communications major and is now an up-and-coming reporter for CNN.
- Martin Santos: Next door neighbor who is a regular beat cop.
- Opticon: Nemesis super-kid who he met at the Institute and is now his rival.
- The Red Raven: Super jewel thief that he foiled his first time out.
- Bad Penny (Penelope Stone) Super Villianess who has fallen in love with him and wants to possess him.
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- The Institute for Superhuman Research and Training: Usually just called "The Insitute", this is a non-profit group, dedicated to helping young supers learn to control and utilize their various abilities.
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