Prey Maneuvers
Each round the prey should write his maneuver down on a piece of paper and keep it secret for now.
All prey maneuvers are geared toward escaping the predator.
Barnstorm (Daredevil, Finishing)[edit]
'Barnstorming’ is commonly associated with planes, but any vehicle may attempt it. A car, for instance, can storm a shopping mall, while a boat may storm the wreckage of a burning oil tanker.
25 lengths or more.
The prey wins the chase, barreling through a cluttered area. The prey's vehicle automatically takes 10 points of damage. Daredevil drivers make this sort of thing look easy, and their vehicles only suffer damage equal to 10 minus the difference between the maneuver checks. Both drivers must make crash checks during Step 7.
Bootleg Reverse (Daredevil)[edit]
In this cinema staple, the prey brakes and turns hard to one side, so that he is suddenly pointing in the opposite direction. This is incredibly useful to suddenly increase the prey's lead. Unfortunately this only works when the predator is a little too close for comfort.
10 lengths or less.
The chase speed is reduced by 15 MPH this round.
The lead is increased by a number of length equal to twice the difference between maneuver checks. The prey's tires suffer 4 points of damage (See Step 6). Daredevil drivers are highly practiced at controlled spins, and their tires take only 2 points of damage from pulling a bootleg reverse.
Hairpin Turn (Finishing)[edit]
Just like zig-zag, hairpin turn forces the predator down an erratic path as both cars speed around tight bends and whip around blind curves until one falls out of the race. Hairpin turns tend to be longer and far sharper than those taken with zig-zag, resulting in a much greater chance of crashing.
20 lengths or more.
The chase speed is reduced by 25 MPH this round.
Success The prey wins the chase, taking one or more turns the predator can't manage. Both the predator and prey must make crash checks during Step 7.
In many ways the prey controls the direction of the chase, and can lead the predator into all kinds of foolish situations.
Any distance.
The lead is increased by 1 and the predator is required to make a crash check with a DC increased by the difference between the maneuver checks. The prey is also required to make a crash check this round (without the additional penalty).
With a critical success or by beating the predator's maneuver check by 5 or more, the prey may choose to reduce both the predator and prey's crash check DCs by 5 to shift the terrain by one step at the end of the round (open or tight becomes close and visa versa). Alternately, the prey may ignore the crash check and terrain shift entirely.
Additionally, if the prey beats the predator's maneuver roll by 4 or more using this maneuver, he may reverse the vehicles' positions, becoming the predator until the end of the current chase round. This allows the prey to attack with any forward-mounted vehicular weapons during Step 6.
Pull Ahead[edit]
This is the fundamental prey maneuver, attempting to get as far ahead of the pursuit as possible.
Any distance.
Increase the chase speed by 10 MPH this round.
The prey's lead is increased by a number of lengths equal to the difference between maneuver checks.
Set Up[edit]
Instead of running, the prey leads the predator on a merry chase - usually to the tune of gunfire.
10 lengths or less.
The lead is increased by 1 and the driver and all passengers in the prey vehicle gain half the difference between the maneuver checks (rounded down) as a cooperation bonus to all their attack and skill rolls targeting the predator.
Additionally, if the prey beats the predator's maneuver roll by 4 or more using this maneuver, he may reverse the vehicles' positions, becoming the predator until the end of the current chase round. This allows the prey to attack with any forward-mounted vehicular weapons during Step 6.
Stunt (Daredevil Only, Finishing)[edit]
Stunts are incredible feats of skill, such as leaping a car across a rising toll bridge or skipping a boat across a pier, setting off an explosion among a line of conveniently-placed gasoline cans. This sort of maneuver is just this side of suicidal, and only the most talented or foolhardy drivers can attempt to setup this 'perfect' escape.
20 lengths or more.
The prey wins the chase, performing a stunt the predator just can't manage. If the prey's maneuver check exceeds the predator's by at least 5, the predator must make a crash check in Step 7.
"That's Impossible!" (Daredevil Only, May be Finishing)[edit]
"That's Impossible!" allows you to choose any other prey maneuver and benefit from its effects without applying the modifiers from Table 7.1: Chase Maneuvers. This is generally beneficial for the higher-level driver in the chase.
Per maneuver.
Per maneuver.
Vanish (Finishing)[edit]
In a display of driving virtuosity and pure velocity, the prey leaves all pursuit behind, choking on his dust.
30 lengths.
Increase the chase speed by 20 MPH this round.
The prey wins the chase.
Zig-zag involves purposefully clipping neighboring obstacles, terrain, and even other vehicles in an attempt to direct them into the predator's path, slowing him down. Unfortunately, this increases the chance that one of the prey's "clips" may become a collision. Lead
Any distance.
The lead is increased by a number of lengths equal to twice to the difference between maneuver checks. The prey must make a crash check during Step 7.