“Bulldog” Maddicks

Freedom STAR Squad commander “Bulldog” Maddicks is a man with a reputation for knowing his business. Maddicks came to police work from the U.S. Marines with a desire to do some good and a lot of talent in the areas of combat and tactics. He quickly worked his way up to the SWAT division in New York City, eventually commanding his own SWAT team there. It was his record that earned him the job of STAR commander in Freedom. Maddicks applied as soon as he heard about the opportunity. He’s worked since to make his STAR unit the best anywhere. Maddicks gets along well enough with Commissioner Kane, once she made it clear she wasn’t going to tolerate any insubordination. He respects the commissioner’s strength of will and character. Unfortunately, Capt. Maddicks doesn’t get along nearly so well with anyone else. His men respect him, and he has the commissioner’s confidence, but Maddicks has gotten into public disputes with Director Powers and AEGIS field agents, Captain Thunder and members of the Freedom League, and local and state authorities over matters of jurisdiction and how to handle certain situations involving super-criminals. Bulldog earned his nickname for his tenacity; he wants STAR to be number one and will not settle for anything less.
Bulldog Maddicks is an imposing man, 6’3” with broad shoulders and a heavily muscled frame he keeps in top shape. He’s 38 years old, ice blue eyes, and a square jaw. He maintains a fondness for military-style fatigues in his off-hours.
Bulldog often commands and leads the Bulldog Unit of FCPD Super Max Armor