Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur: Shizuka

Shizuka is a character in Mahou Shoujo:Roanapur, played by eyos.
Defining Moment
During a high-society gathering hosted by her family, Shizuka's parents, along with most of the other attendees (the few survivors had run and hid), were killed by a trio of assassins. In a reprisal so seemingly tranquil that it completely hid her rage, she grabbed a sword off the wall and cut them down (barely betraying her cultured image), with the third escaping before Shizuka had the chance to make it three for three.
Badass Type
Wiseass (+2 to Social rolls)
- You're awesome, and you should FEEL awesome
- Hold on, I think I know someone
- +1 Katana
- +2 Cloak (her overall outfit when transformed is similar to this).
Born the only child of the Otomitsu family, Shizuka's early life was quite cushy. With her father being at the head of a powerful, well-known shipping conglomerate, she received only the best in education, and never wanted for anything. She even received lessons in a number of different Japanese styles of swordfighting, including from her own mother (who insisted that any daughter of hers would be able to defend her home as a proper lady should).
That was only her early life.
When Shizuka was 15, her parents were killed as they were hosting a gala to celebrate her father's record profits. , she was socializing with society's most powerful, and the next. she had turned around to see assassins stab her parents through the heart. Wasting no time, she grabbed a katana from its mount on the wall and chased after them, managing to kill ; the third managed to escape, but not before Shizuka managed to get in a single cut, not enough to damage, but enough to leave a scar.
For a long time after that, Shizuka felt her life beginning to slip from her grasp. Her parents had been savvy enough to set up a fund to keep her safe and well cared for should anything happen to them, but with 's partners taking over the business, even that wouldn't last forever. She hadn't even been able to find more than vague clues as to the identity of the escaped assassin. The most she had come up with was "Roanapur". She had heard of it before, but what little she knew told her that even with aid, she wouldn't survive long there without power of her own.
day after her parents' death, as she was sitting on the balcony, gazing up at the full moon, Kanzoutsukamu appeared in front of her.
[ Do you want power? Yes/No ]
Shizuka knew her life would change irrevocably if she took the offer, but wanting a measure of closure, and the ability to make sure that nobody had to suffer as she did, she accepted. After getting her affairs in order, she packed up and moved to Roanapur, intending to finally avenge her parents' death.
- Ingrid (Friendly): Despite their being from different cultures, something about the way Ingrid carries herself makes Shizuka feel very much at home around her, as if reminded of her old life. She considers it a pleasure to work with her, and thinks there could be a lot to learn from Ingrid's swordfighting style.
- Somchai (Professional): Shizuka doesn't really know much about Somchai. However, what she's seen of her so far gives her a very good vibe, and she'd be interested in getting to know her more. The fact that Somchai doesn't use her powers on non-supernaturals also doesn't bother her too much; she figures that there are enough magical girls around, and if everyown strengths in their own ways, then so much the better.
- Yumi (Friendly): While Shizuka and Yumi might seem rather different on the surface, they have a fair bit in common beneath that. Yumi was one of the first magical girls Shizuka met upon arriving in Roanapur, and helped her adjust to life there despite Shizuka's initial case of...culture shock, to put it lightly. She also understands Yumi's desire for revenge against those responsible for her sister's death, and supports her in that endeavor when she can.
- Noriko (Professional - reciprocated): As flattered as Shizuka is by the way Noriko seems to trust her, and as much as she recognizes Noriko as an ally, the death of her parents has left her unsure about forming any strong, familial relationships with anyone. Still, she respects her intelligence and skill with the naginata.
- Cynthia (Professional - reciprocated): Shizuka admires Cynthia's strength and determination. Secretly, although she's glad she never had to deal with the same kind of pain, she wishes she'd had that kind of strength when she was younger; perhaps things would have turned out differently if she had.
- ?????: The assassin that got away after Shizuka killed their partners in revenge for her parents' murder. She knows barely anything about them, but intends to and finish the job, no matter how long it takes.
- Yefrem Kaminsky: Shizuka has ofYefrem for jobs that require a more precise brand of badassery than his men are used to, and Yefrem serves as 's last reminders of the life she used to lead; the good bottle of wine after a successful job.
- Lin Féng: Shizuka and Lin hold a mutual distate for each other; Shizuka considers Lin to be savage and uncouth, while Lin thinks Shizuka is haughty and shallow.
Character Songs
unmei ga waratteiru no kikoeru kousa suru kietsu to itami ano hi tsugerareta koe ni kasumeru hyouri no tsuyosa o kakaeta ima wa tokenai wake o himotoite kaneta negai no sono saki e habataku |
Is destiny laughing? I can hear it Joy and pain intersect I briefly dwell on the voice I was told by on that day I held a two-faced strength Now I unravel the unsolvable reason And I'll fly beyond that prearranged wish |