Rameus Mordeen

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A character in the Chuubostuck campaign.


Your name RAMEUS MORDEEN, and today is your FIFTEENTH BIRTHDAY. You have a VARIETY OF INTERESTS, which include OBSCURE INTERNATIONAL HEAVY METAL ACTS, which you insist are GOTH, but which your friends make fun of you for; and COLLECTING CREEPY SPECIMENS, which you are convinced will someday land you a highly attractive partner of either sex who likes gloom and screetchy guitars as much as you do. Your room is impeccably organized and decorated, but you are ashamed of it because it is a normal room on the FIRST FLOOR of a small house in an ORDINARY CANADIAN SMALL TOWN, and you wish that it was a BAT-FILLED TURRET IN A CASTLE. With this in mind, you have particularly decorated the place with BAT SCULPTURES.

You live with your SISTER, who is a very CONSCIENTIOUS and AFFECTIONATE person who does not understand your strange habits, but indulges them.


Name: Rameus Mordeen
Class and Aspect: Prince of Breath
Dream Planet:

XP Details

Emotion XP:




  • None


  • Connection: (Someone) 1
  • Bond: (Something) 2
  • Affliction: (Something) 0
  • MP: 1/1


Normal Health: [   ][   ]
Tough Health:  [   ]
Divine Health:   x




Free XP: 0

Starting Quest:

Basic Quest:

Storyline Quest: Obtain SBURB

You've got to get into that game!

[   ][   ][   ][   ][   ]
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[   ][   ][   ][   ][   ]

The HG can award you 5 XP towards this quest when:

  • You acquire a copy of the game disc, and also convince another player to act as your server.

1/chapter, you can earn a bonus XP towards this quest when you:

  • Suffer unusual difficulty in what should be a simple task
  • Lose your copy of the game disc at the last moment.