Coup-De-Grace: Races
Below is a list of races, and suggested powers for those races. These are presented alphabetically.
All minis of the races in this list are considered to be "standard minis".
Unless specified, special abilities only affect rolls made for the mini itself. For example, a human's special ability can only be used to re-roll a "1" that is rolled for his own attack.
- Beastman - Feral Rage: +1 bonus on attack rolls when has 1 HP remaining.
- Dwarf - Stubborn Resilience: +1 Hit Point.
- Elf - Eldar Grace: +1 Movement Allowance.
- Goblin - Viciousness: +1 bonus on attack rolls vs. downed opponents.
- Gnoll - Predatory: +1 bonus on attack rolls vs. opponents with 1 HP remaining.
- Halfling - Smallfellow: Can move through other combatants, as long as ends on empty space.
- Human - Murderous Nature: Once per round, re-roll an attack die that comes up "1".
- Living Construct - Hardened: +1 Defence Value when at full HP.
- Lizardman - Thick Scales: +1 Defence Value when Downed.
- Kobold - Sneaky: +1 damage on an even attack roll that hits while backstabbing.
- Orc - Bestial Power: Deal +1 damage for an attack die that comes up "6".
- Skeleton - Rise Again: Dramatic Recovery on 4+ instead of 5+.
- Zombie - All Flesh Must be Eaten: Successful coup-de-grace attacks on enemies grant +1 HP to Zombie, to a maximum of starting value.