Coup-De-Grace: Ranged Weapons
Below are two lists, to allow you to determine what special traits the weapons your mini is carrying have.
The first list is for weapons carried and wielded in a single hand. The game doesn't make a distinction between whether this is the left or right hand.
The second list is for weapons carried and wielded in both hands.
Note that the game assumes standard minis with two hands.
Note that a weapon attack's special rules only apply to attacks made with that weapon itself. For example, if you attack with a pistol and a crossbow, only the pistol benefits from the pistol's rules, and only the crossbow benefits from the crossbow's rules.
If you can't find a weapon, then you might be able find one that is close to it - for example, a throwing spike is going to be somewhat like a shuriken.
Or, you could make up a new rule and add it to this page!
A Note on Empty Hands
If a mini has a ranged weapon in one hand, and the other is empty, then make a judgment based on the overall mini.
- If the mini is clearly holding a ranged weapon that takes two hands to fire, then ignore the empty hand, and treat it as if it had both hands on the two handed ranged weapon.
- If the mini looks to be a warrior type then treat the empty hand as a Melee Empty Hand.
- If the mini looks to be a spellcaster type then treat the empty hand as a Mage's empty hand.
Note that a lot of single handed ranged weapons might theoretically need an extra hand to reload (such as pistols and crossbows). The game disregards this, assuming that reloading time and juggling of items is incorporated into the movement cost of firing the weapon.
Note also that you aren't required to track ammunition, or to fetch back thrown weapons. If a mini has a javelin, he has enough javelins to last the battle. If he has a pistol, he has all the shot and powder he needs for the battle.
Single Hand
- Throwing Knife - Versatile: No special rules for attacks, but can be used as single handed melee weapon or single handed ranged weapon.
Double Handed
- Longbow - Knight's Bane: On an attack roll of 4-6, gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll result. This does not occur if the dice is re-rolled.