Valentine Quick

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First Episode 215
Concept Casino Floor Manager
Theme Song '
Played By Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Full Name Valentine Quick
Legal Status No Criminal Record
Known Aliases No known aliases
Age 31
Birthplace Paquin
Favored Weapon Pistol


Valentine Quick never really knew his father, but the man who was never there left a huge imprint regardless. His mother, left to raise Valentine on her own, did the best she could to raise a boy as opposite from the wandering man she had briefly been in love. Valentine (Val to his friends) grew up to be a hard working straightforward man. Once grown up, he became a floor manager at a local casino after working his way through the lower ranks. His mother, no longer able to support herself due to health issues, relies on Val's monthly check that he sends back to her.

He's dabbled in relationships over the last few years, but hasn't found the woman yet that he wants to settle down with.


Val's calm, cool, and collected nature serves him well as a casino floor manager, where he has to deal with a wide range of situations quickly, efficiently, and quietly. He rarely gives direct orders to his subordinates, but on the occasions that he does, Val expects them to snap to without question. He's not without a sense of humor, but it is dry and observed infrequently. His one sore point is his father, Lazarus Quick, who abandoned him and his mother early on.

Physical Description

Black hair usually slicked back slightly with just hair product to keep things in place. Handsome in a polished way, Val dresses well without being ostentatious. He doesn't follow fashion, but rather dresses in tried and true but inexpensive suits. He's slim, athletic, but not built. He rarely smiles but when he does, it lights up the room.


Season 1




Character Sheet


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