Muerte con un Cuchillo Grande

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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

       Class:              Fighter
       Level:                 8 (Superhero)     
       Experience Points:120026 (+10%) 
       Total Hit Points:     69 
       Armor Class:         0/1
       Movement:            12"
       Strength       18  +3 hit/dam, open doors, dam thrown wpn.
       Intelligence   10  R/W native lang (Common)
       Wisdom         09     
       Dexterity      13  +1 missiles, -1 AC, +1 init
       Constitution   16  +2 hp
       Charisma       11  Max ret:4, Morale:7


  On Person:
   31 pp - wt 31
   1061 gp - wt 61
   2000 pp - wt 4000 
   32,300 gp - Spent on fortifications and buildings for Wainstep.
  Loot from Frost Giants
  • 2 Jewels (5000 gp each) 10000
  • 1 Gems (1000 gp base value) 1000
  • 20 Gems (50 gp base value) 1000
  • 14 Gems (100 gp base value) 1400
  • 17 Gems (500 gp each) 8500
  • 1 Jewels (8000 gp each) 8000
  • Gold Flagon Set (6000 gp as set) 6000
  • 4 Gold Armbands with Ivory and Amber inset bear (2000 gp each) 8000
  • Subtotal:43900
  • 13650gp


      Silver Dagger -wt  10
      Muerte's ThunderAxe -wt  150 
      Girdle of Giant Strength -wt 30
      Crossbow               -wt  50
      Case of 30 Quarrels
   Plate Mail +3, Fireturning  -wt 250
  Backpack     -wt 80
     Grappling Hook
     Rope (50')
     Water/Wine Skin
     Flask of Oil x 2
     Tinder Box (flint & steel)
     Mirror (hand-sized, steel)
     Sack (large) x 4 
     Bag of Holding - wt 600
     Potion of giant strength - wt 10
     Potion: Antivenom - wt 10  
     Potion of Healing (0)
     Potion of Regeneration (0)
 In Storage
     +2 Giant Axe -wt 150

Total Encumbrance: 288 + 140 + 280 + 250 + 80 + 10 + 52 = 1100

- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands