Last Voyage of Delilah, Episode 101: An Auspicious Start

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With thanks to Matt for the inaugural episode's title. Thanks, Matt!!—Maer

Air Date: 19 Mar 2014
Present: Andy, Matt, Kim, Terri, and Maer

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Thursday, 01 Feb 2525
Eavesdown, Persephone
White Sun (Bai Hu) system

Lord Anatole Chang, 2nd Earl of Morrow is trying to arrange a deal to keep his lover Rachel McAllister closer to home. Though he dresses the part, his wardrobe shows the threadbare signs of a nobleman rich in title and poor in wallet. Nevertheless, he takes Rachel out to lunch at a local watering hole, The Siren's Call.

Anatole: I heard the bad news about your boss. And I'm trying to help you out and at the same time you would be helping me out.
Rachel: Oh?
Anatole: (rushing on) But it's more important that you have a good job. This is a great job. It's perfect for something that'll keep you in the Core.
Rachel: (nodding) I see ….
Anatole: You wouldn't be out, roaming around—
Rachel: Now, Anatole, what if I like roamin' around?
Anatole: But you'll have the freedom. You'll be captain of a much bigger ship.
Rachel: (yeah, no) With more responsibility.
Anatole: But you'll have actual officers working underneath you who could take over the reins when you want them to.
Rachel: Taking over reins? … You were talkin' about gettin' underneath me an' I was gettin' interested.
Anatole: (knowing grin) Well … you would also be closer to home. So there would be that benefit.
Rachel: Well now, that wouldn't be so bad. I might actually get paid this time, too.

Anatole takes her to another table to meet a Chinese business woman in her older years, Ms. Han Chin.

Han Chin: Yes, Lord Morrow has told me you have quite an impressive resume of piloting and you may be prepared to Captaincy. I don't believe the complexity of this ship would be beyond your skills. I just need somebody who is reliable and pragmatic. You'd be flying a relatively regular route among the Core planets, on a large agricultural ship—the Artemis—that actually grows vegetables. It has boutique farms and small ranches, providing delicacies, meats, and things to the wealthy people and nobles across the Core.
Rachel: (politely) Hmm.
Han Chin: It's a much larger vessel than you—I'm sorry I don't recall the name of the ship you're on now…?
Rachel: It's Delilah.
Han Chin: Yes, thank you. Well, this is a hundred-thousand tonner. It is quite a large vessel, so you have a significant crew. Lord Morrow has provided references as to your skill as a pilot.
Rachel: I would … (pauses, thinks on it) … Well, …
Han Chin: Steady wages. Retirement when you feel is appropriate.
Rachel: Do you have a contract you could forward to me?

Ms. Han Chin slides a piece of paper across the table to the cagey pilot. The cagey pilot takes a look at it. She sees something approaching an actual wage, paid in—could it be?—money. Still, it wouldn't do to appear too eager, now. Gotta leave room to bargain.

Rachel: I need to think about it. Delilah's been part of who I was for a while.
Han Chin: (interested) What is it that you like about Delilah?
Rachel: I … (how to say it?) … I know her. I mean, not that I'm averse to gettin' to know Artemis, but …
Han Chin: You'd get a share, plus salary.
Rachel: A share plus sal—? …Um ….

The only catch is … It's painfully obvious to Rachel the ship is owned by the Triad. The pay is more than she's seen in quite a long time but hello, Triad.

Elsewhere …

Valentine Quick, son and sole heir to the late Lazarus Quick, is staring in dismay at his inheritance, the ship named Delilah. It's a Trans-U, a discontinued model, and it's in very sorry shape. Thus, the dismay. Despite its dubious condition, there's cargo on the tarmac getting loaded aboard. Val walks up to the portly individual who seems to be in charge … kinda.

Valentine: Excuse me.
Man: Um?
Valentine: What are you loading?
Man: (narrowly) You have a badge?
Valentine: Do I have a badge. No, I own this ship.

Valentine pulls the paperwork from his slim business briefcase and shows it to the man. The man squints at the papers and his expression brightens in delight.

Man: Oh! You're Mr. Quick!
Valentine: I am. (beat) What are you loading?
Man: Um, well, we have a job. Great big job, sir! Good news! We're flyin' off t' Anson's World.
Valentine: Hanson's World?
Man: Anson's World.
Valentine: Anson's World.
Man: (Yup!) Anson's World. So … yeah, you probably knew my father. Pipes?

No, he didn't, but that doesn't slow Valentine down one bit. He's good at thinking on his feet.

Valentine: Let's say that I did. It's been a while. This is all new information for me. I was told that the pilot is …?
Man: Oh, yeah. She went off with her feller, to the Siren's Call. It's a bar, kind of … (gestures) … down that way a little bit. You'll see a really fancy lookin' ship, hang a right around that, … an' go a little while longer, you'll see, like, there's a platoon of Feds and … well, go around that one. You won't miss it.
Valentine: I won't. (beat) Let's go back to the original question: What are you loading?
Man: Uhhhhh … That's a good question. Cargo.
Valentine: Who are you?
Man: I'm Freddie Piper, sir.
Valentine: Yes, and you do what?
Freddie: I'm the engineer. Chief Engineer.
Valentine: You're the Chief Engineer. Okay.

Valentine has his doubts but he rolls with it.

Valentine: You been with the ship for long?
Freddie: A few years, yeah.
Valentine: A few years. Okay. (Beat) All right. Well, we'll talk once I find Ms. McAllis—
Freddie: (eagerly) I heard that you're tryin' to sell her. Is that right?
Valentine: It's … complicated. Something like that—
Freddie: Cuz that would be great. I think we could find a lot better ship. Probably one that has like, you know, engine automatics and—

Valentine has gotten his measure of the engineer and cuts the man off before he can list his faults via shopping list.

Valentine: Okay. I'm sure I'll be back—soon—to look over the documents of the cargo we're loading on for Anson's World.
Freddie: Oh yeah, I got lotsa documentation.
Valentine: Okay.

Valentine walks away and refrains from shaking his head until he's sure he's out of sight. Good Lord but what has he gotten himself into? He sighs and follows Freddie's directions to the Siren's Call.

The Siren's Call is not a dive, exactly, but it's past its prime. It's a pier-side drinkery and eatery. Val walks in, sweeps the floor with a discerning eye, and recognizes Rachel from the paperwork he'd been given. It's not hard. It's midday, well past the lunch rush, and there aren't a lot of patrons filling the tables. Rachel's sitting with a Chinese lady and another man. They appear to be in the middle of negotiations. Valentine also notes the bearing of the other people in the room: Triad, for sure. Valentine's no dummy. He'd normally give these guys a wide berth. However, he needs his pilot. Valentine walks up to the table.

Valentine: (politely) I hate to interrupt. I was looking for Ms. McAllister.
Rachel: That would be me.
Han Chin: You have a problem with her?
Valentine: No, absolutely not. I've taken ownership of the Delilah and I was told I should be talking to her before I made any plans.
Rachel: Oh my God … (blinks) … Is that you, Val?

Wait. What?

Valentine: (slowly) That's my name, yes.
Han Chin: Do you know this man?
Rachel: Yeah, that's Lilah's boy. (To Valentine) You've grown up a lot. You look like your picture, though.

Valentine is a bit nonplussed. He hasn't any memory of meeting Rachel McAllister, so how does she seem to know him? He puts the mystery aside for now.

Valentine: Right. I didn't mean to interrupt—
Han Chin: Oh, no. It's good to have you here. Have a seat. We were discussing how Rachel might be able to move on after the unfortunate events concerning your father. My condolences, sir.

Ms. Han Chin waves him to a seat. Does she send a silent signal to the Triad goons around the room as well? No telling. No one's started shooting, though. A good sign.

Valentine: Yes. (A beat. Looks. Sits.) I appreciate that. (to Rachel) So you already have a new ship?
Rachel: No. I've got an offer. (pushes contract to the side)
Han Chin: We are in the process of discussing the nature of the terms of labor.
Valentine: Ah-hah.
Han Chin: You say you are the owner of the ship that she's currently on?
Valentine: Yes, I inherited it.
Han Chin: I don't like bidding wars.

Han Chin rises. She looks at Rachel.

Han Chin: You have my offer. (nods) Good day to you.
Rachel: (nods back) Good afternoon, ma'am.

The Chinese woman calmly walks away.

Valentine: (sincerely) I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sour the negotiations.
Rachel: Oh no. I haven't contracted yet. I have to think it over. (to Anatole) Anatole, this is … Valentine Quick?
Valentine: Yes.
Rachel: Valentine Quick, Lazarus' son. (to Valentine) This is Anatole.
Anatole: Ah, yes. Quite right.

Introductions made. Handshakes all around. Anatole smiles at Valentine.

Anatole: I'm sure you have only plans to junk that ship—no offense—right?
Valentine: That seems to be the most prudent plan, considering the numbers.
Anatole: (to Rachel) See? Even the owner believes this is the right thing to do—
Valentine: However—
Rachel: —All my stuff's on that ship.
Anatole: We'll get your stuff off first.

Valentine interjects.

Valentine: However, I'm told by the Chief Engineer standing outside the ship that we have a job already.
Rachel: (no way!) We have a job?
Valentine: He was loading something onto the ship. It was a bit of a surprise to me as well. I didn't think that thing was legal to fly.
Rachel: (delighted) Oh, Delilah can fly anywhere she wants'ta. (to Anatole) Sounds like I need'ta go make the ship ready.

She starts to rise. Anatole starts to protest.

Anatole: Now, no, I think we should discuss this first. (nods at Valentine) I mean, I know you are related to the previous owner.
Valentine: That would be correct, sir.
Anatole: (to Rachel) But I think we need what's in your best interests. Don't be blinded by sentiment. That is a very generous offer you've got there.
Rachel: It's not—it's … it's—(flustered)—Stop making me think about it.

Valentine points at the contract.

Valentine: Do you mind?
Rachel: What? (hands it over) Please.
Valentine: (reads) That is … (reads some more) … extremely generous. (hands it back) I'm surprised, to be honest, that you haven't already signed it.
Rachel: It's a big ol' ship goin' back and forth. Just back an' forth.
Valentine: So here's the thing. I came looking for somebody to pilot the ship but it wouldn't be for long. Because, once again, I have a life already. My father wanted me to run the ship but I have no interest in doing that and from all the numbers I've been quoted, I would scrap it right here and now if it wasn't going to cost me, say—(bitter breath of a laugh)—my life, in terms of credits.

Rachel seems touched by melancholy at that and her gaze goes soft into the middle distance for a moment. Anatole also looks off into the distance too but he, on the other hand, seems nervous. Valentine notices.

Valentine: Something on your mind, sir?
Anatole: (coming to) Oh, no … no.

Valentine takes a discreet look around the floor. Three sinister-looking men are at the bar looking Anatole's way. Valentine recognizes them as Triad. He does the math, figures the answer, and suppresses a sigh. His day just keeps getting better and better.

Elsewhere in a much nicer part of town …

Alicia Kilbourne, Head of Rimward Operations for IRP, is briefing the new personnel on their missions. Part pep-talk, part sales pitch, she's talking to her audience in a smallish raised theatre room. Everyone is assigned in teams of two. It was decided that it would be a more organic approach (and cost efficient) to rely on existing transports making the rounds instead of having everyone on a specifically chartered ship or multiple chartered ships delivering them to their destination. Each two-man team will consist of a doctor or medically trained personnel paired with someone with mechanical aptitude capable of repairing equipment if or when it breaks down. Once the teams are assigned, each is given a short interview with Kilbourne.

The interview stresses how important it is to convince people of the goodwill of the Alliance, to overcome people's understandable suspicion and resistance. In fact, IRP deliberately used Japanese characters for their official logos and symbols in order to avoid any unwelcome associations more recognizable Alliance markings might carry. It would also reinforce the fact that the inoculations being distributed were engineered from the Japanese population on the Lost Arkship, the Amenoukihashi, who had remained untouched by the mutagenic plague. While administering the inoculations, personnel are to gather blood samples for an epidemiological database being compiled back in the Core. It would enable the scientists and the doctors to track the efficacy of the cure and the locations of the disease.

Funding for the initial trip to the Rim is secured but to continue the mission, the teams must be able to send positive images back to the Core to solicit donations. Take some photos of happy villages, cute kids, that sort of thing.

Kilbourne: So please, document their pleasure. Takes some blood samples. When you have Cortex access, transmit the data from the sampling back to our facilities. Now, we can cover you for a month of travel, some of which is already paid up-front, which would cover the ship you're on that's providing you food and lodging and so on. However, but anything you want to spend outside of that you'll have to come up with on your own. We won't explicitly prohibit you from doing side work of any kind but we would want you to maintain the goodwill of the people. Try not to abuse your position. Many people have never seen a Core physician or a piece of high technology before. They might treat you like a god and it would be irresponsible to take advantage of them. Any questions?

A flurry of hands fly upward, followed by questions. Fears of cannibalism is a recurring theme, along with concerns over the lack of modern sanitation. Kilbourne patiently answers the questions and then breaks the meeting up for individual team interviews.

Dr. Grace Tian and Vikki Tikhonova are assigned together and they meet Kilbourne in her office. Introductions are made. Kilbourne gets her notes in order and smiles at the women.

Kilbourne: Is there anything you would like to ask before you get started?
Vikki: No.

Dr. Grace Tian, however, is more familiar with how bureaucracy works and isn't willing to let the opportunity to gain more information go unexploited.

Tian: Actually, I do have a question. How well stocked with vaccinations are we?
Kilbourne: I believe you have one container that is a "Clinic in a Can" and another container which had quite a few doses of the vaccinations plus basic medical supplies on the expectation that you will run into some other diseases while you're out there. Quite a number of immune-packs, saline, and other supplies in there as well.
Tian: "Quite a number of." Do you know how many that would be?
Kilbourne: I'm sure they quoted me a figure but I don't have it here at the moment.
Tian: How do I obtain more once I've gone through the ones we have?
Kilbourne: If you can get yourself to a place that has a decent spaceport, we could ship some more out to you. Assuming that things go well.
Tian: Is there any possibility of a small slush fund to cover any kind of emergency situation we may come across?
Kilbourne: I'll be honest. Usually our volunteers raise that themselves but I understand you joined up at the last minute… (pensive look) … Hmm …
Tian: (takes the hint) Well, you know. Given that they asked me to come in the way they did, I'm sure that most of the others are not going to need some the things that I may. With a full medical degree I have the opportunity to further our goodwill out on the Rim if there are additional severe injuries or such things that can be handled. It may foster us even better … word of mouth … than we would otherwise get.

Not a bad idea, actually.

Vikki: In something of a similar vein, I was hoping to get some rudimentary mechanical repair equipment. I mean, it's one thing to go in there and install a pump for an artesian well, but if there were a farmer there who needed his plow sharpened and didn't have the equipment, I could do that and he would be able to grow food.
Kilbourne: Yes, I see.

So says Kilbourne in her manicured hands and fancy clothes. She probably hasn't even seen dirt before, much less ever imagined a farmer and his plow. Does she even know what a plow is? Or an artesian well?

Perhaps she does, because Kilbourne pulls her paperwork over to go through the figures and coax a few more credits out of the budget for Dr. Grace Tian and her partner. In her exuberance, Vikki offers to help and accidentally knocks Kilbourne's wine glass over. Dark red wine soaks Kilbourne's silk blouse and business suit.

Vikki: (appalled) I am so sorry. Wait. Wine. Acid. You need a base to get the stain out. I can—
Kilbourne: Go. Just … go. Someone will tell you where you can meet your transport to your ship out. (beat) You know, I'd originally planned a special shuttle to take you to the docks, but you might find it more interesting to go with the truck.
Vikki: What kind of truck?
Kilbourne: I'm sure someone down below will tell you where you can find it.
Vikki: Okay. I—

Tian takes Vikki by the arm before the young woman can do any more damage and pushes her toward the door.

Tian: Very much obliged. Thank you.
Vikki: (ducking around Tian) Great presentation.

Tian pushes Vikki into the hallway. Once the door is closed, Tian hisses into Vikki's ear.

Tian: The next time I'm arranging extra funding, sit down and be quiet.

The women find someone who is able to direct them to board a truck with their cargo containers already loaded on it. The driver seems put out over carrying passengers and grumpily makes room for them. Tian and Vikki climb aboard. Gears grind and the party gets underway.

Meanwhile, back at Siren's Call, Rachel decides to stay with Delilah. Anatole really really wants to leave. Valentine wants to know why.

Valentine: So … Anatole, you going to tell me about the three guys in the back?
Anatole: I am aware of them, yes.
Valentine: So are they … ?

Going to cause trouble? Valentine leaves it unsaid but Anatole picks up the question anyway.

Anatole: I think if we just stay here, they won't. Probably. As long as there are other patrons, they shouldn't be problem.
Valentine: How are you associated with them?
Anatole: See this is my story. I've come into a bit of debt. I know it's embarrassing. as I'm an aristocrat you would assume, of course, that I have countless funds at my disposal and while I do have ancestral lands, they are several light years away and unfortunately not ones I can access. (grimace) Now, see, the deal was that Ms. Han Chin would offer me a Finder's Fee of sorts, of a size that would satisfy those enterprising young men over there.
Valentine: Well, in case you didn't catch who they were, they're Triad. I don't know if you're interested in working for the Triad, you well might be, and I can't say it's necessarily a bad situation, but—
Anatole: Oh no, Ms. Han Chin isn't Triad. I think she just … well, she might have connections with them, but ... (shrugs)
Valentine: So she's Triad.

Ya think?

Anatole: The Triad has … Of course, they've forces everywhere. As such, we shouldn't treat them as if they were the military or anything.
Rachel: It's not that I'm worried who I'm working for but being bored to death going back and forth. And back and forth. And back and … (sighs)
Valentine: I can't offer you a lot of money or even a long job, to be honest. I was hoping to find somebody to fly me to Beylix but it seems like we're going to Anson's World for some reason.
Rachel: Anson's World?
Valentine: I … that's neither … (frustrated) … Well, that's not here, at the moment.
Rachel: Someone's got to fly Delilah for her last flight, right?
Valentine: Yes.
Rachel: You gotta understand, somebody's gotta take it on its last—(turns to Anatole)—Ain't nobody else can put her to rest like I could.
Anatole: Yes, I'm not sure that those gentlemen will agree with your sentiment.
Valentine: She's not working for them.
Anatole: Of course, she's not. But of course, it was wrong of me to try to … deceive you in this way. It's just … I'm in a bit of a spot, you see. (mans up) I'll go talk to them and maybe we could come to an agreement. I have some ... jewelry perhaps that I can trade for my lonely existence. (stand) All right. I will die with dignity. Or perhaps not die at all.
Rachel: Surely there's something we can do.
Valentine: Unless you've offended them several times before, I'm guessing they'll probably just break something and you'll get another chance.

Anatole looks appalled.

Anatole: Do you think they might … might break my … (gestures at his face)
Valentine: Your face seems to be your only asset. So they'll probably break something that you don't use.
Rachel: You can't let him go off and let them break his face, Val.
Valentine: I certainly can. (off their looks) He's dug his own hole in this case and I'm not interested in digging him out of it. (at Rachel) What I am interested in is seeing if you want to fly the Delilah or if I'm going to need somebody else.
Rachel: I'll fly Delilah. I'll bring her home.
Valentine: I had my suspicions.
Rachel: (to Anatole) But I don't want a thing to happen to you. What'd you do somethin' so damned stupid for?
Anatole: Well, I …

Anatole trades looking appalled for uncomfortable.

Valentine: Gambling?
Anatole: (insulted) I am not a gambler, sir. But you know I have to dress appropriately and … bring gifts to those I care about. And such. A certain lifestyle requires a certain maintenance. It's not easy.
Rachel: (exasperated sigh) You can have the baubles and trinkets back if that will help pay you out.
Anatole: Ah, well … (considers it) … I'm not sure those specific ones would help very much. Um, perhaps if I might—if you would just walk with me to a taxi or something? And perhaps I could get a head start, or something, on those gentlemen.
Valentine: Now that I can do.
Rachel: Get up and pull my chair out so I can stick my arm in yours.

Anatole does that and pats Rachel's hand.

Anatole: Shall we go?

The couple leaves with as much dignity as possible. Not rushing out, no, but not lingering either. For his part, Valentine hangs back long enough to see if the Triad makes a move. They do, moving to surround the couple. Valentine smoothly inserts himself into the group.

Valentine: Gentlemen.
Triad Goon: Good day to you. Our business is not with you. Our business is with Mr. Chang.
Valentine: (evenly) That is true.
Anatole: (undertone) Lord Morrow, actually.
Valentine: (undertone to Anatole) Shut your mouth.

Anatole keeps talking.

Anatole: Genetlemen, they're just taking me to where I can get the assets that I need to … deal with your boss.
Triad Goon: Then we will go with you.
Anatole: There's really not enough room in a cab …

Valentine subtly nudges Rachel for the door. Anatole keeps digging himself deeper into—erm, talking business—with the businessmen.

Anatole: So … We'll go in the first cab and you can follow in the second cab.
Rachel: There's always room. It's amazing how tiny and bitzy they are.
Anatole: I don't know. They seem pretty big to me.

Valentine gets them on the street outside and they start walking. The Triad goons make no move to grab them but follow in that leisurely, menacing we-can-kill-you-anytime-we-want-to sort of way. Valentine gauges them with an experienced eye, pegging them as lower-ranking thugs in the Triad hierarchy. Apparently Lord Morrow doesn't rate a Lieutenant to take care of him. That might bode well for Anatole.


Rachel: (quietly) So Anatole … how much do you owe them?
Anatole: Ohhh … Well, I suppose there's—are we just counting credits? Or are we counting platinum …?
Rachel: Well, yeah. That's about the way we count these things.
Anatole: … With Interest. So that's … (figures) …Seven … hundred and … fifty, thereabouts?
Rachel: Seven hundred and fifty in platinum and credits? Are you out'a your everlovin' mind?
Anatole: (miffed) Well, it didn't start off that much. But then, eventually …
Valentine: You were just playing the slots a little and you kept not winning. I understand the hole you're in but, trust me, I've heard that particular story more times than I can count. It always starts small and ends large and usually with somebody's painful end.
Anatole: I just needed to get into this one party and once I'd made the contacts, had there not been an unfortunate acciden—
Valentine: Right, right. If you'd just had that one big score, you never would have had to worry about it.

As the floor manager of the Golden Dragon Casino on Paquin, Valentine's heard just about every version of that story there is.

Rachel: So Valentine, could you help us get him out of this somehow? How do you know so much about gamblin'? (narrowly) You weren't a gambler, were you?
Valentine: This is not the time for that.
Rachel: There's always time for a little motherly advice. I wouldn't get into gamblin' if I were you.

Thoroughly fed up, Valentine turns right around and approaches the Triad goons following them.

Valentine: Look. She hasn't signed the contract yet. And I am pretty sure that Ms. Han Chin is going to be unhappy if you destroy him before she's had a chance to make a decision. Because I'm pretty sure if you beat him up in her presence, she's not going to sign. And then he's not going to have any money. She wants the money. He's not going anywhere. He doesn't have the money to go anywhere. You're just going to have to wait.

Valentine can see they're having trouble wrapping their brains around his argument. In fact, they don't even seem to know who's in charge of their little three-man party. They back down, just the tiniest bit, and Valentine knows he has them.

Valentine: I would suggest you take this back to Ms. Han Chin. He's not going anywhere and I'm sure she will have some instructions for you about how to handle it.

The goons make up their collective minds and back off, likely to go somewhere they feel more comfortable to make a phone call for further instructions. Valentine stands his ground and watches them retreat. When they're out of sight, he flags a cab. Anatole wastes no time getting inside it. Valentine nails him with a look.

Valentine: I suggest you beg, borrow, or steal a flight off of this rock as best you can.
Anatole: As it just so happens … Well, I don't want to impose any more than I already have—
Valentine: (steely) I wasn't offering.
Anatole: Anson's World, you say? It sounds like a nice place.
Rachel: Is it close to your property, darlin'?
Anatole: My property is all gone. I actually live over a tea shop. My coat of arms is actually an overstuffed chair. I'm a sham of my once-proud family … and now all we are, I'm afraid …
Valentine: Surely you must have something you can sell.

Anatole looks on the verge of tears … or on the verge of another spiel.

Anatole: But on Anson's World I can get a new start! I have skills, right? I can lead. And manage … things, fairly well.
Rachel: Like what you did back there? You can't.
Anatole: I don't have to get involved with those sorts of ruffians, I can—
Rachel: Honestly, all you're really good at is arm candy.
Valentine: Technically I wasn't actually offering my ship to you. I want to get that out front.
Anatole: But you did encourage me to beg. Is that not true?
Valentine: That is indeed true. I cannot deny that statement.
Anatole: Is there a better ship taking me on the begging and borrowing alone?
Valentine: Having looked at Delilah I have to admit your station in life pretty much fits the ship's station in life.
Anatole: (quickly) Spoken like a gentleman, sir. We have an agreement, then?
Rachel: Don't be knockin Lilah!

Presented with two battles, Valentine picks the one he's most likely to win. He nods at Anatole.

Valentine: Yes.
Anatole: Thank you.
Valentine: I don't promise where you're going to sleep on the ship because I … (shuts up)
Anatole: (waves it off) I don't have that much to bring on the ship.

Spoken like a gentleman, sir. Valentine accepts the solid Anatole just handed him. Cuz, Lord, never insult a ship in her pilot's hearing. That's just askin' for a world of trouble and Valentine reckons he's got enough trouble already. The cab ride to the docks is uneventful.

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