User talk:Knockwood

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Revision as of 05:28, 7 July 2006 by Wikijeff (talk | contribs) (Thanks for the Help)
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Thanks Knockwood for clearing up the vandalism edits. Much appreciated.

It looks like there's (unfortunately) a lot of wiki spam here. I haven't tried it myself, but if you're in charge, maybe Bad Behavior would help cut down on the automated stuff? --GargoyleMT 11:18, 8 February 2006 (PST)

We try.

I do look through the new edits and eliminate whatever spam I see. There is a lot less spam than there could be on here, I dare say. (Check out the Blocked IPs list sometime).

Actually, this is as good a place as any to clarify one thing: I am the Czar, but I work from "outside" in that I don't have access to the machine, just the Wiki. ShannonA can tweak the machine, and I've already asked for some anti-spam provisions.

Then again, anything would probably help... --Lord Knockwood the Mad 14:07, 8 February 2006 (PST)

Blocked Words

Hi there! is there a way to block full words but not partials? I added text that was refused because, said the message, it contained the banned keyword "c_i_a_l_i_s". Turned out it was "s_o_c_i_a_l_i_s_t"! (It still won't let me type it here, of course.)  :-}

Other than that, thanks for all the good work! -- Mechante Anemone, 16:34, 16 March 2006 (PST)


I removed the actual cover images to be behind a link as they were quite large and had a link to the index page there. Headers for all the pages under WS include a link to the index page or to the main page with the cover images. If you have a preferred style of main page, feel free to change it. --Curufea 20:00, 12 June 2006 (PDT)

LOL Funny Image on your User Page and a Request

I have to say I really had a good laugh at the image you have on your user-page. I showed it to one of the people I game with, he had a good laugh too. Do you remember where you got it?

On another note: I have started a new Fantasy Setting sourcebook on this Wiki called Wisrtum. It really is in its infancy. Before it gets much larger, I'd like to know if I am organizing and presenting the information in the best possible way. I've contributed to Wikipedia and Wikisource before, but I've never done anything quite like this. Could you please look it over and give me some pointers. Also, if you wish to contribute material, that would be appreciated!



Thanks for the Feedback, Question


Thanks for the feedback. I've implimented much of what you pointed out, especially the catigorization, which should help with organization and indexing. I should be moving forward with the geogrophy section soon. Then, I'll start in on the "staple races" such as dwarves, elves and so on.

Could you look at the index link on Wisrtum's main page, though. It seems the only way I can create a link for the index is to do an external link like so [ foobarURL description ]. I can't just make this link work lik other, normal wiki-links.





Every page update (or page creation) spits out the same error, but the content is posted into the Wiki's database:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:

    (SQL query hidden)

from within function "SearchMySQL4::update". MySQL returned error "1016: Can't open file: 'searchindex.MYI'. (errno: 145) (localhost)".

Please look into this.



Thanks for the Help


Thanks for the help you've given me. I've added all content pages to the Wisrtum catagory. I'll use your pipe-trick to re-arrange the resulting list as you suggest a bit later. I've totally revamped the main page, it now looks a lot more friendly -- barrowed much code from wikipedia and wikisource main pages, and hacked the tar out of them. The main page now now looks nice. Btw, you (or whomever) changed the boarder to pastel-purple did so while I was playing arround with the code to the main page... I had a few seconds of serious confusion (followed by a good chuckle) thanks to you!

One question: If I add a catagory to template pages, will that screw things up for pages that call the template?

Ketcha Latter,
