3-5 Against the Giants Campaign

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Revision as of 15:25, 10 July 2006 by Wolfwood2 (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the D&D 3.5 AGAINST THE GIANTS campaign wiki. This wiki site is a resource for a play-by-post tabletop fantasy role-playing game to run the classic "Against the Giants" D&D modules using the 3.5 Dungeons and Dragons system. The goal of this wiki site is to form a repository of information about the game that is easily accessible and edittable to the entire game group.

Against the Giants Setting Background

The core group of characters are those who had adventured together for since Level 1. Their adventures began by thwarting the plans of freshwater sahuagin to make Perrenland a puppet state. This brought them to the attention of the King of Perrenland, who gave them the task of finding the Lost Caverns of Iggwlv. They succeeded, and returned with the marvelous artifact, the Wondrous Lanthorn. They aided in the construction of the cathedral to hold it, and in the meanwhile fought off an attempt by cultists of Tharizdun to steal it. They traced them back to a long forgotten temple of the mad dark god's, and put an end to the cult. Then they tracked down the great blue wyrm Borhanziladilmon who had woken and began raiding the the country, and put an end to her. This feat caught the attention of the mad demi-god Zagyg, who transported them to an very bizarre dungeonland in the far north country of Blackmoor. They escaped and traveled back to Perrenland, putting stop to an invasion of Wolf nomads along the way. The King rewards the Lord with the town of Altendorf, the adventures settle down for a while, until the new troubles begin...

the Player Characters