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The Righteous

Dragonfly Transport.jpeg


The Ship Herself

  • Zhèngyí Zh Nù - Dragonfly Class Transport
  • Shuttles (2): Engines d8, Systems d8, Hull d4

Current Episode Information


  • Improved Sensors d8 (Shuttle One) (Episode-long)
  • Technical Information d6 (Jian/Everybody with access) (Episode-long)


  • We'll Be There First d6 (Everybody)
  • Fade Into the Background d6 (Everybody)
  • Cinema Verite d10 (Bella)
  • Thirsty Work d6 (Everybody)
  • 51 Hours d6 (Everybody)

Plot Points and BDH Dice

Player Plot Points BDH Dice
Meizhi 5 2xd10, d12
Bella 2 d12
Jian 3 d10
Lazarus 2 d12
Jane 2
GM 5


  • Dr. Maj. John Kraig - employer/passenger/Browncoat war hero/math professor/inventor
  • Dr. Amelie Kraig - Kraig's deceased wife; anti-Unification/anti-War activist on Osiris
  • Su - Browncoat medic who provided aid to Kraig during the battle
  • Jasmine Sanchez - warehouse store manager
  • Sheriff Hassan - Whitefly town sheriff
  • Ren Johansson - mechanic at the Whitefly spaceport; Hassan's niece


  • Berrimend - agricultural hub moon of Verbena; heavily contested during the war
  • Whitefly - main settlement on Berrimend
Berrimend Battlefield Map

Other Folks

Ship Owner

Inactive Crew

  • Wiley Hoop - Public Relations Played by spaceranger

Former Crew

Folks Related to Wiley's Quest

  • Lucy Hoop: The older of the two Hoop girls. Fairly short with mousy brown hair. Age 22.
  • Miko Hoop: The younger of the two Hoop girls. Somewhat taller than her sister, with jet black hair. Full sleeve tattoo of a nature scene on left arm. Age 20.
  • Lars Hoop: Wiley's father's younger brother; father to Lucy and Miko.
  • Aiko Hoop: Lars's wife and the mother of Lucy and Miko.
  • Jessica Renin: The Hoop girls' roommate. Immigrated here from Beaumonde.
  • Philippe Mahlouf: Second engineering mate on the Thaddeus. Took the picture of the three girls at the botanical gardens.


  • Othais Heelburg - former owner/operator of the vidzu farm in Sackett Valley; family friend of Mattie Ross
  • Raj Heelburg - Othais's husband
  • Hiko Van Allen - Sihnon businesswoman
  • Ghalid and Amal Tawfeek - family friends of Meizhi
  • Carmen Ibanez - independent reporter; anchor of Eyes Open
  • "Blue Eyes" Singh- Carmen's right-hand woman
  • Ivan - Carmen's technical support/Alliance war hero
  • Betances - security chief on Kaituo; dead in suspicious circumstances
  • Marshal Rogers - Town marshal of Whitman on Proust; friend of Betances
  • Davey - Big fan of Bella's from Verbena

Not Exactly Friends

  • Lynch: Alliance Intelligence operative
  • Adelai Niska: Notorious crime boss; currently owns the moon Shalako
  • Charlie Wangzi: Rim outlaw and gunfighter; right-hand man of Benjamina Wade
  • Benjamina Wade: Rim outlaw queen
  • Telemacha: media personality
  • Wetteland: gigantic former cop; now works for Lynch
  • Flora Qin: Captain of the Pirate Cruiser Read; the crew of the Righteous killed her sister, Captain of the Bonney

Previously On

Episode 1: The Wedding
The Righteous carried a young woman to an arranged Tong-related marriage. For purposes of the series, we'll treat this like an unaired pilot.

Episode 2: Except for all the Others, pt. 1
The Righteous accepts a simple transport job and proceeds to become embroiled in the contentious politics of a mining colony and make a few powerful enemies (the political operative/crimelord/all around scumbag Goodman and his hired gun Calvin Bell). The crew at this point consists of Mattie (captain), Sam (first mate), Brianna (pilot), Magda (information technology), and Meizhi (engineer).

Episode 3: Except for all the Others, pt. 2
Continuation/finale of Episode 2. Shih (public relations) and Ward (medic) join the crew. Sam leaves the crew.

Episode 4: Clearing the Air
The Righteous takes a simple salvage job and ends up fighting both a crazed life support AI and its corporate masters. Magda and Ward leave the crew.

Episode 5: Hair in the Butter
Mattie gets information from an old friend (Sam) as to the location of Tom Chaney, the man who killed her father. The crew heads off after him to the border planet of New Kasmir. They run into an old enemy (Calvin Bell), who snatches Chaney from their grasp. Ward leaves the crew; Wiley (wily) and Quentin (pilot) join the crew.

Episode 6: Remember the Alamo
The crew guards the Kaituo ship repair station from Reaver attack. Quentin and Mattie leave the crew. Bella (pilot), Doc (doc), and Will (fancy vest wearer) join the crew.

Episode 7: Fact Checking, pt. 1
The crew revealed an Alliance intelligence operations to fund both sides of an insurgency on the planet Proust. They also got entangled with Alliance intelligence officer Lynch, who definitely will not show up in the future.

Episode 8: Fact Checking, pt. 2
And now, the conclusion... Will leaves the crew.

Episode 9: Sin City
The crew successfully stole the Nokia from the Penthouse at the Mount Nysa hotel on Dionysia. We meet Shih's ex-husband Beauregard Chen and Wiley's new friend Chef Maisie Ryback. Lazarus (businessman) and Jian (doctor/hacker) join the crew.

Episode 10: The Kalidasa Main
The crew successfully fought their way out of an ambush by the pirate ships Bonny and Read. The Read survived, the Bonny did not. The crew used Lynch's cruiser's name as part of a bluff, and Lynch noticed.

Episode 11: Help Wanted
The crew makes it to Verbena to find that Wiley's cousins and another young woman were kidnapped by corrupt local cops and sold off to be used as labor in Rim colonies. The crew breaks up the kidnapping ring with help from Lynch, who puts it out that the crew are Alliance Intelligence agents. Lynch also hires one of the corrupt cops, an unscrupulous giant of a man named Wetteland. Shih leaves the crew. Wiley leaves the crew (to search for his cousins). Jane (backwoods sniper) joins the crew.

Episode 12: Go West, Young Man
The crew helped out Othais Heelburg, an old friend of the Ross family, and his husband Raj. Adlai Niska wanted possession of the moon Shalako and exploited his hold over Sihnon magnate Hiko Van Allen to get it. The crew got Heelburg and his folks away from Niska's mercenaries and helped get Van Allen's son released.