Better to Reign in Hell

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Recruitment Thread


Out of Character

Player Characters

Character Player Words Immunities
Menwi of the Dead Fire Nepene Time/Sorcery/ Sun Time word, Blindness, Fire, surprises.
Fiora Cellini Dudley Do-Right Alacrity/Bow/Passion Falling, Fear, Rough Terrain, Unwanted Emotions
Illarya Sciolli Squidheadjax Death/Endurance/Music Breathing, Eating, Sleeping
Briellen Moonfoot T@nya Bow/Journeying/Sky Breathing, Cold, Electricity, Falling, Injurious Sounds
Mereno Theokla Verenes Aeone Artifice/Knowledge/Wealth Poverty
Jie Wong talam Fertility/Sea/Sword Wooden Weapons or Objects, Vegetal Monsters, Plant-Based Toxins, Poisons, Cold, Can Breathe Water

Non-Player Characters

Treasure, Artifacts, Curiosities



Cities and Towns

Other Areas of Interest