MTH:Elemental Mastery

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Elemental Mastery[edit]

QUAKE (*** to *****)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery (Earth or Magma), Power Level 3+

Effect: The character creates a small, localized earthquake. The quake lasts a turn, and has a radius of 7 to (merit dots + Power Level + Elemental Mastery) yards. Everything in the radius is subject to the Earthquake Tilt, with a severity equal to the successes rolled. The damage inflicted is 1-3 levels as per the Tilt, but determined by the character spending 1 to 3 verve on the effect.

The radius always centers on the character, and they have no immunity to the effects.

CHILL/BAKE (* or ***)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery with an element associated with either heat or cold.

Effect: The character creates an area of heat or cold (choose one when the power is purchased, as per the element in question). The effect is the same mechanically. The Extreme Heat or Extreme Cold Tilt is applied to those in the radius. The radius is equal to up to Power Level X Elemental Mastery in yards. This effect lasts up to 1 minute (20 turns) per success. Spending a point of verve at any point in that time multiplies the remaining time by 10. The character must be in the radius to do this. The radius is always centered at the point the character was when they activated the merit.

FLOOD (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery with an element that is naturally liquid, Elemental Instanciation

Effect: The character floods the area with their element, causing the Flood Tilt. Each success allows the character to create a 1 foot, speed 1 flood that does not abate until the character ceases to concentrate on it. Even then, the flood waters recede at no faster than 2 feet per turn. Naturally, if the area would normally hold the liquid, it still does. The radius for the effect is 2 x (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) yards. It costs one verve to activate.

Note: In temperatures in the scene are such that the liquid element would no longer be liquid, the effect lasts only a turn.

DOWNPOUR (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery with an element that is naturally liquid, Elemental Instanciation

Effect: The character rains down upon the area with their element, causing the Heavy Rains Tilt. This lasts for as long as the character concentrates. For a point of Verve they can remove the need to concentration for 30 minutes. The radius for the effect is 2(Power Level + Elemental Mastery + successes rolled) yards.

GALE (** or ***)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery with an element that is naturally gaseous

Effect: The character creates Heavy Winds, as per the Environmental Tilt. Each success on the activation roll results in 1 grade higher winds (as per the Tilt's grades). With the two dot version of this technique the winds build up at a rate of one grade per turn, and subside at the same rate. With the three-dot version the gale erupts and dies away immediately. In either case the winds continue as long as the character concentrates on them. Activating this merit costs 1 verve and it has a radius of 2 x (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) yards.

The radius always centers on the character, and they have no immunity to the effects.

ICE-SLICK (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery (Ice) or other appropriate element.

Effect: The character covers an area in slick ice, inflicting the Ice Tilt on an area no larger than 2 X (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) yards. This can be the whole area or a selected portion of it. The ice persists until it would melt naturally.

GOLEM (***)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery 2+

Effect: The character creates an approximation of life out of their chosen element.

Golem creation is either an Instant or Extended action, with the target number being the minimum number of successes needed to create any number of golems the character can attempt to create with the materials on hand. Those materials must all be within (Power Level + Elemental Mastery) x 5 yards.

If the elemental material is not in a mobile shape, any golems made from it must take an action to mold themselves into one. They may take on whatever cosmetic touches their creator wishes in doing so.

Automata created by the Animation technique are effectively mindless; they require orders from the character before they will do anything, and once they have begun a task, they will not stop until either the task is completed or they have been destroyed. They last as long an other creations of Elemental Mastery.

Use the profiles from the World of Darkness Animal Stats as the basis for a golem's stats. To animate a golem approximating a given creature the player must roll one success per point of size. If they have enough successes, and enough material on hand, the character may animate more then one golem.


Prerequisites: Golem, Power Level 2+

Effect: This merit builds upon Golem. Now when the character rolls to animate golems, she multiplies her successes by her Power Level to determine their maximum size.


Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery

Effect: The character can automatically sense their element and it's quantity, purity and similar details automatically.

VITAL FORCE (*)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery

Effect: The techniques of this power may be used on living creatures if the elemental type is appropriate (bone for earth, water for blood). Any resistance granted adds Stamina and Power Level to the resistance pool.


Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery

Effect: The character is able to undo the molecular bonds holding structured objects together of their chosen element, causing them to disintegrate. Spending 1 Verve and rolling Dex + Athletics + Elemental Mastery, each success on the activation roll deals one level of aggravated damage to an object. The normal rules for targeting an object apply, and this technique may not be used on sentient living creatures, even with the Vital Force merit. Sentient undead (such as vampires and revenants) are also immune to this technique; the magic empowering them is too strong to be overcome by this power.

Alternatively, if the element is in the form of an object with Durability, the character can negate one level of durability or add to it per success.

(DIS)ENHAZARD (**)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery, Elemental Immunity

Effect: The character spends a point of verve and rolls Intelligence + (Science or Medicine) + Elemental Mastery. Successes can be put towards the following alterations on a mass of the given element up to (Elemental Mastery x Power Level) cubic yards:

  • Irradiate/Cleanse: The character may spend two successes to render a substance radioactive or corrosive, such that proximity with the substance deals a level of lethal or bashing damage each turn. The character may also increase or decrease the lethality of an already hazardous substance at the rate of one level of lethal or bashing damage per success.
  • Toxicity: The character may increase or decrease the Toxicity of a substance at a rate of one point of Toxicity per success.

ELEMENTAL IMMUNITY (*, ** or ***)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery, Power Level equal to twice the merit level.

Effect: This merit protects the bearer from harm done by her chosen element. The first dot negates all bashing damage, the second negates all lethal and the third negates all aggravated.


Prerequisites: Elemental Mastery 3+

Effect: The character is not only able to command her chosen element; she can also conjure it from thin air. A character with this technique no longer requires a significant amount of her chosen element nearby in order to use her Elemental Mastery power.

EMBODY (***)[edit]

Prerequisites: Elemental Immunity 2+

Effect: For 2 Verve the character transmutes her body into a humanoid-shaped instance of her element. While in this shape the character automatically passes any roll involving Composure which does not relate to the activation of a power.

In addition, each success on the activation roll grants a +1 bonus to Armor for solid elements or to Defense for non-solid elements, as well as one temporary dot in Durability for solid elements or in Plasticity for non-solid elements, up to the character's dots in Elemental Mastery - 1. At the Storyteller's discretion, this temporary power may be replaced by another non-rolled Alpha power appropriate for the character's element.

While in this shape, the character fights like a force of nature. She may use her dots in Elemental Mastery in place of either Strength or Brawl when making unarmed attacks, and these attacks deal damage of the same type as her elemental attacks.


Prerequisites: Elemental Instanciation, Golem

Effect: The character may shape their manifestation of the element as a projection of thought rather than craft, creating a shaped object or faux being almost instantly. Rather than crafting the element as an extended action like a normal craft roll, the player makes a normal power activation roll, with a single success being enough to craft a target that would normally need 3 successes. The player may try for more challenging snap creations, with a -1 penalty for every additional 1-3 additional successes that would normally be needed. In other words, if the normal target number for the extended roll would have been 13, the player may attempt to create their item or golem at a -4 penalty.

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