Evil Friends
Your daddy's got nothing on me
And the world that sleeps in its lunacy
It's got nothing on me
No stars got nothing on me
Your sun's got nothing on me
And the fool who sees
It's the thief that needs
Has got nothing on me
You know it's not because
The light here gets brighter
And its not that I'm evil
I got a friend in The Devil
But I can't even be your friend
-Evil Friends, Portugal. The Man
A Play-by-Post Game of Nobilis
Aincumis as The Hollyhock God
The Familia
JaneBond as Excie Davis, Saint of Obscurity
Insertname as Artus Gwint, Dragons' Pawn
MrPrim as Attaris II, Endings' Regal
Slybarian as Nate Faulker, Motion's Regal
EnigmaticOne as Roger Gothic, Bones' Regal
TheTim as Nick Hill, Marquis of Smoke
AsgarZigel as Duri, Viscountess of Separation
Things Of Note
The Lonely Serpent, Ymera of Obscurity, Dragons, Endings, Motion, Bones, Smoke and Separation
The Osseous Temple, Mobile Chancel of the Lonely Serpent
Evil Friends Setting, A collection of regions, worlds, Chancels and the Beyond
Evil Friends NPCs, A collection of mortals, spirits, Sovereigns, Imperators, Excrucians and stranger creatures still
Recruitment Thread
Game Thread